API-code documentatie
Get api token
var token = loginClient.getToken(companyLogin, apiKey);
var loginClient = new JSONRpcClient({
'url': 'https://user-api.simplybook.me/login',
'onerror': function (error) {
var token = loginClient.getToken('{companyLogin}', '{apiKey}');
Get event list
var events = client.getEventList();
var client = new JSONRpcClient({
'url': 'https://user-api.simplybook.me',
'headers': {
'X-Company-Login': '{companyLogin}',
'X-Token': '{token}'
'onerror': function (error) {
var services = client.getEventList();
Get performer list
var units = client.getUnitList();
var performers = client.getUnitList();
Filter performers by service
// fetch service and performers selects here
var serviceId;
var performerId;
jQuery('#select_event_id').append('<option value=""></option>');
jQuery('#select_unit_id').append('<option value=""></option>');
for (var id in services) {
jQuery('#select_event_id').append('<option value="' + id + '">' + services[id].name + '</option>');
for (var id in performers) {
jQuery('#select_unit_id').append('<option value="' + id + '">' + performers[id].name + '</option>');
jQuery('#select_event_id').change(function () {
// service id
serviceId = jQuery(this).val();
var selectedService = services[serviceId];
// filter available performers
if (selectedService) {
if (typeof(selectedService.unit_map) != 'undefined' && selectedService.unit_map.length) {
jQuery('#select_unit_id option').attr('disabled', true);
jQuery('#select_unit_id option[value=""]').attr('disabled', false);
for (var i = 0; i < selectedService.unit_map.length; i++) {
jQuery('#select_unit_id option[value="' + selectedService.unit_map[i] + '"]').attr('disabled', false);
} else {
jQuery('#select_unit_id option').attr('disabled', false);
jQuery('#select_unit_id').change(function () {
performerId = jQuery(this).val();
Get closest day with available time slots
var firstWorkingDay = client.getFirstWorkingDay(performerId);
var firstWorkingDay = client.getFirstWorkingDay(performerId);
Disable not working time in calendar
workCalendar = client.getWorkCalendar(year, month, performerId);
// Init datepicker.
var workCalendar = {};
'onChangeMonthYear': function (year, month, inst) {
workCalendar = client.getWorkCalendar(year, month, performerId);
'beforeShowDay': function (date) {
var year = date.getFullYear();
var month = ("0" + (date.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2);
var day = ("0" + date.getDate()).slice(-2);
var date = year + '-' + month + '-' + day;
if (typeof(workCalendar[date]) != 'undefined') {
if (parseInt(workCalendar[date].is_day_off) == 1) {
return [false, "", ""];
return [true, "", ""];
var firstWorkingDateArr = firstWorkingDay.split('-');
workCalendar = client.getWorkCalendar(firstWorkingDateArr[0], firstWorkingDateArr[1], performerId);
Get available time slots
var startMatrix = client.getStartTimeMatrix(from, to, eventId, unitId, count)
// Handle date selection
var count = 1; // How many slots book
function formatDate(date) {
var year = date.getFullYear();
var month = ("0" + (date.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2);
var day = ("0" + date.getDate()).slice(-2);
return year + '-' + month + '-' + day;
function drawMatrix(matrix) {
for (var i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) {
jQuery('#starttime').append('<span data-time="' + matrix[i] + '">' + matrix[i] + '</span>');
jQuery('#starttime span').click(function () {
startTime = jQuery(this).data('time');
jQuery('#starttime span').removeClass('selected');
jQuery('#datepicker').datepicker('option', 'onSelect', function () {
var startDate = formatDate(jQuery(this).datepicker('getDate'));
jQuery('#dateFrom, #dateTo').val(startDate);
var startMatrix = client.getStartTimeMatrix(startDate, startDate, serviceId, performerId, count);
var startMatrix = client.getStartTimeMatrix(firstWorkingDay, firstWorkingDay, serviceId, performerId, count);
Check if additional fields plugin is activated
var additionalFieldsActivated = client.isPluginActivated('event_field');
var additionalFieldsActivated = client.isPluginActivated('event_field');
Get additional fields
// load additional fields
var additionalFields = [];
function clearAdditionalFields() {
additionalFields = [];
function addAdditionalField(field) {
var container = jQuery('<div class="form-group"></div>');
var title = jQuery('<div class="control-label">' + field.title + '</div>');
var fieldContainer = jQuery('<div class="field"></div>');
var fieldNode = null;
switch (field.type) {
case 'checkbox':
fieldNode = jQuery('<input type="checkbox" name="' + field.name + '" id="' + field.name + '" value="1" />');
if (field['default']) {
fieldNode.attr('checked', true);
case 'select':
fieldNode = jQuery('<select class="select select2" name="' + field.name + '" id="' + field.name + '"></select>');
var values = field.values.split(',');
for (var k = 0; k < values.length; k++) {
fieldNode.append(jQuery('<option value="' + values[k].trim() + '">' + values[k].trim() + '</option>'));
if (field['default']) {
case 'textarea':
fieldNode = jQuery('<textarea name="' + field.name + '" id="' + field.name + '"></textarea>');
if (field['default']) {
fieldNode = jQuery('<input type="text" name="' + field.name + '" id="' + field.name + '" />');
if (field['default']) {
if (fieldNode) {
if (field.type == 'checkbox') {
} else {
if (additionalFieldsActivated) {
additionalFields = client.getAdditionalFields(serviceId);
for (var i = 0; i < additionalFields.length; i++) {
Perform booking
// Collect client data
var clientData = {
'name': jQuery('#clientName').val(),
'email': jQuery('#clientEmail').val(),
'phone': jQuery('#clientPhone').val()
// Collect additional fields
var additionalFieldValues = {};
jQuery('#additional-fields input, #additional-fields select, #additional-fields textarea').each(function () {
var val = '';
if (jQuery(this).attr('type') == 'checkbox') {
if (jQuery(this).is(':checked')) {
val = 1;
} else {
val = 0;
} else {
val = jQuery(this).val();
additionalFieldValues[jQuery(this).attr('name')] = val;
var count = 1;
var result = client.book(serviceId, performerId, startDate, startTime, clientData, additionalFieldValues, count);
Thank you for reading!
Gebruik onze ontwikkelaars-API om uw eigen reserveringsinterface te creëren. U kunt elke oplossing ontwerpen die u wilt, variërend van het eenvoudigste widget tot een multifunctionele applicatie met functionaliteit aangepast aan de specifieke behoeften van uw bedrijf.
Simplybook Applicatie Programmeringsinterface maakt gebruik van het JSON-RPC 2.0 protocol.
Zie een voorbeeld van een API-gebaseerde reserveringsinterface , en lees ook de broncode van deze oplossing.
Simplybook.me API-systemen vereisen authenticatie. Hiervoor heeft de gebruiker een toegangssleutel nodig — toegangs-token. U kunt uw persoonlijke API-sleutel ophalen via de JSON-RPC-methode getToken op http://user-api.simplybook.me/login service-desk. U kunt uw API-sleutel kopiëren in de admin-interface: klik op de 'Plugins'-link en selecteer de API plugin 'Instellingen'. Dan moet u op afstand toegang tot Simplybook API inschakelen. Dit verzoek dient de volgende headers te bevatten: 'X-Company-Login', 'X-Token'.
Het verkrijgen van de toegangstoken kan worden uitgevoerd, hetzij vanuit klantenzijde of vanaf uw server, wat de meest veilige oplossing is.
U kunt gebruik maken van javascript JSON-RPC-client library en php JSON-RPC-client library van onze voorbeelden om uw eigen oplossingen te ontwikkelen.
Klant API (Company public service) authorisatie
Autorisatie van code aan klantzijde
Het verkrijgen van de token-sleutel.
var loginClient = new JSONRpcClient({
'url': 'https://user-api.simplybook.me' + '/login',
'onerror': function (error) {},
var token = loginClient.getToken( YOUR_COMPANY_LOGIN, YOUR_API_KEY);
Initialisatie JSON-RPC-client.
this.client = new JSONRpcClient({
'url': 'https://user-api.simplybook.me',
'headers': {
'X-Company-Login': YOUR_COMPANY_LOGIN,
'X-Token': token
'onerror': function (error) {}
Autorisatie van code aan serverzijde
Het verkrijgen van de token-sleutel.
$loginClient = new JsonRpcClient('https://user-api.simplybook.me' . '/login/');
$token = $loginClient->getToken(YOUR_COMPANY_LOGIN, YOUR_API_KEY);
Initialisatie JSON-RPC-client.
$client = new JsonRpcClient( 'https://user-api.simplybook.me' . '/', array(
'headers' => array(
'X-Company-Login: ' . YOUR_COMPANY_LOGIN,
'X-Token: ' . $token
Gebruiker/Admin API (Bedrijfsadministratie) authorisatie
Autorisatie van code aan klantzijde
Het verkrijgen van de token-sleutel.
var loginClient = new JSONRpcClient({
'url': {$api_url} + '/login',
'onerror': function (error) {},
Initialisatie JSON-RPC-client.
this.client = new JSONRpcClient({
'url': 'https://user-api.simplybook.me' + '/admin/',
'headers': {
'X-Company-Login': YOUR_COMPANY_LOGIN,
'X-User-Token': token
'onerror': function (error) {}
Autorisatie van code aan serverzijde
Het verkrijgen van de token-sleutel.
$loginClient = new JsonRpcClient('https://user-api.simplybook.me' . '/login/');
Initialisatie JSON-RPC-client.
$client = new JsonRpcClient('https://user-api.simplybook.me' . '/admin/', array(
'headers' => array(
'X-Company-Login: ' . YOUR_COMPANY_LOGIN,
'X-User-Token: ' . $token
Het krijgen van gegevens uit de Simplybook server
Een boekingspagina is meestal een pagina waar klanten kiezen voor de service die ze nodig hebben, een dienstverlener en een tijd voor hun ontmoeting. Dan geeft de klant een aantal contactgegevens in en bevestigt de boeking. De meer complexe oplossingen omvatten het invullen van verschillende extra velden, het aanmaken van een groep of terugkerende boekingen enzovoort. Laten we de workflow van de aanmaak van de eenvoudigste boekingspagina beschrijven. Als u dan extra functionaliteit wenst toe te voegen aan uw pagina, zie hier de volledige lijst metSimplybook API methodes.
Dus het eerste wat u moet ingeven is de lijst van de diensten en de lijst van werknemers. Haal deze gegevens door de getEventList en getUnitList methoden. Ze leiden beiden tot een lijst met volledige informatie over elk item, dus u hebt veel mogelijkheden om diensten en medewerkers weer te geven op uw pagina. Om werknemers te filteren gebruik de unit_map eigenschap van de service lijst, het bevat informatie over werknemers die de geselecteerde dienst kunnen bieden.
Codevoorbeeld van het verkrijgen van dienstenlijst
$services = $client->getEventList();
// returns array(array(
// 'id' => 1, - service id
// 'name' => 'Service 1', - service's name
// 'description' => 'Describe your service...', - service description
// 'duration' => 60, - service duration
// 'hide_duration' => 0, - Hide duration to clients flag,
// 'picture' => null, - file name of picture or null
// 'picture_path' => '/uploads/apidemo/event__picture/small/', - full path to picture,
// 'position' => 1 - service position
// 'is_active' => 1, - the service is activated
// 'is_public' => 1, - the service is allowed to book by clients
// ), ...)
Codevoorbeeld van het krijgen van een overzicht van dienstuitvoerders
$services = $client->getUnitList();
// returns array(array(
// 'id' => 1, - performer id
// 'name' => 'Provider 1', - performer name
// 'phone' => '111111111', - perfomer phone number
// 'description' => 'Describe your performer...', - performer description
// 'email' => 'test@gmail.com', - perfomer email,
// 'is_active' => 1, - the performer is activated
// 'is_visible' => 1, - the perfomer is visible for clients,
// 'picture' => null, - file name of picture or null,
// 'picure_path' => '/uploads/apidemo/unit_group__picture/small/', - full path to picture
// 'position' => 1, - performer position
// 'qty' => 1, performer quantity
// ), ...)
De volgende stap voor een klant is om een ​​datum en tijd van zijn dienst te kiezen. We hebben gebruik gemaakt van een Bootstrap datum-selecteerder in het API-gebruik voorbeeld. U kunt bijvoorbeeld ook deze of een andere kalender selecteren. Om uw eerste kalenderdag in te stellen, gebruik de getFirstWorkingDay methode. Het kan werknemer id nemen als een parameter en geeft de volgende datum weer waarop de geselecteerde werknemer (of een werknemer in het bedrijf) beschikbaar is voor een boeking.{""|t} Om tijdslots te laten zien voor een geselecteerde datum heeft u de getWorkCalendar en getStartTimeMatrix methoden nodig. De eerste methode geeft u informatie over de begin- en eindtijd van de werkdag, en over de rustdagen. En de tweede geeft de lijst van tijdsloten die kunnen worden geboekt voor een bepaalde datum.
Codevoorbeeld van het krijgen van informatie over werkdagen
$year = 2020;
$month = 3; // March
$performerId = 1; // Can be null
$workDaysInfo = $client->getWorkCalendar($year, $month, $performerId);
// returns array(
// '2020-03-01' => array('from' => '09:00:00', 'to' => '18:00:00', 'is_day_off' => 0),
// '2020-03-02' => array('from' => '09:00:00', 'to' => '18:00:00', 'is_day_off' => 0),
// ...
Codevoorbeeld van het krijgen van starttijd matrix
$dateFrom = '2020-03-03';
$dateTo = '2020-03-04';
$serviceId = 1;
$performerId = 1;
$qty = 1;
$availableTime = $client->getStartTimeMatrix($dateFrom, $dateTo, $serviceId, $performerId, $qty);
// returns array(
// '2015-03-03' => array('09:00:00', '09:30:00', '10:00:00', ....),
// '2015-03-04' => array('09:00:00', '09:30:00', '10:00:00', ....),
Een andere handige methode die u kan gebruiken is calculateEndTime. Elke dienst beschikt over zijn eigen tijdsduur, ook de werknemers van uw bedrijf hebben mogelijk verschillende werkschema's van dag tot dag. Dus met behulp van deze methode kunt u de klant een einddatum en -tijd van de dienst tonen die hij/zij heeft geboekt op een correcte manier.
Codevoorbeeld van de berekening van de boeking eindtijd
$startDateTime = '2020-03-03 09:00:00';
$serviceId = 1;
$performerId = 1;
$availableTime = $client->calculateEndTime($startDateTime, $serviceId, $performerId);
// returns '2020-03-03 10:00:00'
Wanneer een klant op de bevestigingsknop van de reservering klikt moet u de class='code-piece'>book methode volgen. Dit is de belangrijkste functie die alle nodige validaties uitvoert en een nieuwe boeking in het Simplybook systeem registreert. Informatie over de boeking, klantengegevens zoals naam en telefoonnummer en een aantal extra params zijn nodig. Bekijk alle params beschrijvingen van deze methode in API functielijst. De book methode response bevat een uniqe code en andere details van de nieuwe boeking of de lijst met fouten indien sommige problemen optraden, zodat u deze informatie kunt gebruiken om het boekingsresultaat te laten zien aan een klant op een gelegen en intuïtieve manier
Met behulp van de API geheime sleutel
In sommige gevallen vereist de book methode een bevestiging, bijvoorbeeld als je betalingen accepteert van klanten waarvan u de afspraak slechts bevestigt nadat de betaling is aangekomen. De Simplybook API confirmBookng methode neemt de boeking-id en veilige handtekening als parameters (een andere methode die een beveiligde handtekening vereist, is cancelBookng). Voor de beveiligde handtekening generatie kan your secret API-key worden gebruikt. Zie hoe het kan worden gedaan in het onderstaande voorbeeld. U kunt de geheime sleutel op admin interface onder de 'Instellingen' koppeling van API eigenschap terugvinden in de lijst 'Plugins'.
Code voorbeeld van een dienstboeking en de bevestiging met behulp van de geheime API-sleutel
$additionalFields = array(
'6740d3bce747107ddb9a789cbb78abf3' => 'value1',
'b0657bafaec7a2c9800b923f959f8163' => 'value2'
$clientData = array(
'name' => 'Client name',
'email' => 'client@email.com',
'phone' => '+13152108338'
$bookingsInfo = $client->book($eventId, $unitId, $date, $time, $clientData, $additionalFields);
if ($bookingsInfo->require_confirm) {
foreach ($bookingsInfo->bookings as $booking) {
$sign = md5($booking->id . $booking->hash . YOUR_API_SECRET_KEY);
$result = $client->confirmBooking($booking->id, $sign);
echo '<br>Confirm result</b><br />';
Codevoorbeeld van het verkrijgen van extra velden
$fields = $client->getAdditionalFields($eventId);
// returns - array(array(
// 'name' => 'b0657bafaec7a2c9800b923f959f8163', - field name
// 'title' => 'Test digits', - field title
// 'type' => 'digits', - field type
// 'values' => null, - available values for select field type
// 'default' => null, - default value for field
// 'is_null' => null, - is filed nullable
// 'on_main_page' => 1,
// 'pos' => 1, - field position
// 'value' => null
// )), ...)
Simplybook Eigenschappen
Als uw bedrijf enkele specifieke extra functionaliteiten vereist, kunt u een aantal van onze extra eigenschappen activeren. De complete eigenschap lijst met gedetailleerde beschrijving is beschikbaar in de admin interface onder de link ‘Eigenschappen’. Nadat de benodigde eigenschappen zijn ingeschakeld zullen de bijbehorende API methoden zullen worden geactiveerd, zodat u ze kunt gebruiken in uw code.
Boeking functionaliteit codeverloop
Autoriseer Simplybook API met behulp van de loginClient.getToken(companyLogin, apiKey); functie.
Controleer of de Dienstcategorieën plugin is geactiveerd door isPluginActivated('event_category') Indien ja, weergeef dan de lijst van categorieën getCategoriesList().
Get list of services (events) and performers (units) using getEventList() and getUnitList() functions. If 'unit_map' array is available for service it means this service can be provided by given performers only.
Als Eender welke werknemer selector eigenschap wordt geactiveerd isPluginActivated('any_unit') en geen speciale duur is ingesteld voor het dienst -dienstverlener paar in de "unit_map" matrix, dan moet de gebruiker worden toegestaan ​​om de Eender welke dienstverlener optie te selecteren of handmatig een dienstverlener te kiezen. Maar handmatige selectie van uitvoerende dienstverleners mag niet mogelijk zijn als getCompanyParam('any_unit__hide_other_units') is ingeschakeld.
Gebruik getStartTimeMatrix ($from as current date, $to as current date, $eventId, $unitId, $count as selected participants value ) om beschikbare timeslots voor een bepaalde datum te krijgen. $unitId zou null zou moeten zijn als Eender welke werknemer is geselecteerd.
Als Eender welke werknemer selector actief is en Eender welke werknemer is geselecteerd, krijgt u via getAvailableUnits($eventId, $dateTime, $count) de beschikbare $unitId
If Additional fields plugin is activated isPluginActivated('event_field') call getAdditionalFields($eventId) function to get list of fields for client to fill.
Gebruik book($eventId, $unitId, $date, $time, $clientData, $additional, $count, $batchId) om een boeking te maken.
Dienst-URL https://user-api.simplybook.me/login
getServiceUrl ($companyLogin)
Returns API url for given company login
getToken ($companyLogin, $apiKey)
Returns an application's token string for a company. You should use this token to authenticate all calls of
[[Company public service methods|Company public service API methods]] and [[Catalogue|Catalogue API methods]]. Toget application API key you need to enable [[Plugins#API|API plugin]].
getUserToken ($companyLogin, $userLogin, $userPassword)
Returns an authentication token string for certain user registered for company. You should use this token to
authenticate all calls of [[Company administration service methods|Company administration service API methods]] and[[Catalogue|Catalogue API methods]].
getApplicationToken ($applicationApiKey)
Returns an application's token string for an application. You should use this token to authenticate all calls of
[[Company public service methods|Company public service API methods]] and [[Catalogue|Catalogue API methods]]. Toget application API key please contact SimplyBook.me support team.
Dienst-URL https://user-api.simplybook.me/
getUnitList ($isVisibleOnly, $asArray, $handleClasses, $searchString)
getEventList ($isVisibleOnly, $asArray, $handleClasses, $searchString)
getCategoriesList ($isPublic)
getLocationsList ($isPublic)
getPaymentProcessorConfig ($paymentProcessor)
Returns payment processor config
validatePayment ($paymentInfo, $cartId)
Validate application payment.
getBookingCart ($bookingIds)
Returns cart information by bookings ids.
is used to create secure signature to confirm cart payment.status
- current cart status
- is total amount to payment
- cart currency
- contains cart items. You can use them to provide information for payment system. Each item is object with following fields:
- booking id
- service id
- event name + start date time (use it to provide cart information for payment system)
- booking price
- qty of bookings -
getBookingCartInfo ($cartId, $sign)
Returns current cart information
is used to create secure signature to confirm cart payment.amount
- is total amount to payment
- cart currency
- contains cart items. You can use them to provide information for payment system. Each item is object with following fields:
- booking id
- service id
- event name + start date time (use it to provide cart information for payment system)
- booking price
- qty of bookings -
getBookingCartStatus ($id)
Returns current cart status
Possible result values:cancel
- user has canceled payment
- user has paid
- error has been occurred on validation payment
- cart is not paid yet or payment status is pending -
confirmBookingCart ($cartId, $paymentProcessor, $sign)
Confirm booking cart. Use it to confirm payment. Signature is required.
confirmBooking ($id, $sign)
Confirm booking. Signature is required.
$sign = md5($bookingId . $bookingHash . $secretKey);Call this method from server side only
confirmBookingPayment ($id, $paymentProcessor, $sign)
Confirm booking payment. Signature is required.
$sign = md5($bookingId . $bookingHash . $secretKey);Call this method from server side only
confirmBookingBatch ($batchId, $batchType, $sign)
Confirms booking batch. Signature is required.
$sign = md5($batchId . $batchHash . $secret)Call this method from server side only
getBooking ($id, $sign)
Returns an object with details information about booking.
parameter must be a string created
with formula:md5($bookingId . $bookingHash . $secretKey)
. You can get$bookingHash
value as result of
API method call. Method return an error with code -32080
(Appointment couldn't be found) if record with specified id not exists. Methods returns an error with code -32085
(Signature error) if$sign
parameter is wrong. -
getBookingDetails ($id, $sign)
Returns an object with details information about booking.
parameter must be a string created
with formula:md5($bookingId . $bookingHash . $secretKey)
. You can get$bookingHash
value as result of
API method call. Method return an error with code -32080
(Appointment couldn't be found) if record with specified id not exists. Methods returns an error with code -32085
(Signature error) if$sign
parameter is wrong. -
isPaymentRequired ($eventId)
Returns true if [[Plugins#Accept_payments|Accept payments]] plugin activated and event with specified id has
configured price. If no paramentes specified then method returns true if payments plugin activated and at leastone event has configured price. Otherwise returns false.
book ($eventId, $unitId, $date, $time, $clientData, $additional, $count, $batchId, $recurringData)
Creates new booking record. Returns an object with appointment information or throw exception if booking time not
available or any of required parameters missed. If appointment requires confirmation, in result object will berequire_confirm = true
specifies a date of
booking and time slot. Time value should be multiple to 'timeframe' configuration of company (see
API method).$endDate
should be calculated according to service duration. However you can specify different values to make appointment
longer or shorter then service configuration. Note that$endDate
should be
later in time than$startDate
. If your clients located in different time
zone you should specify'client_time_offset'
value in$clientData
object as difference
between client's time zone and company's time zone in minutes. For example if company located in city with time
zone GMT+2 and customer located in city with GMT+3 then$clientTimeOffset
will be 60 minutes. You
can get information about company's time zone using[[#getCompanyInfo|getCompanyInfo]]
API method. To
create batch booking you can specify eithercount
more then 1 or validbatchId
(only one
parameter can be specified). You should specify an$additionalFields
parameter if service requires
some additional fields (see [[Plugins#Additional fields|Additional fields plugin]]). To create a booking with promo code you
should pass it as additional field. For example:{"name": "promocode", "value": "some code", "type": "text"}
See [[#book response|example]] ofbook
API method response. -
getRecurringDatetimes ($eventId, $unitId, $date, $time, $recurringData, $productIds)
Get list of dates for recurring booking
hasUpcommingPromotions ()
Returns availability of active promotions
validatePromoCode ($code, $startDateTime, $eventId, $count, $clientData)
Validate promotion code.
Returns true in case promocode is valid otherwise throws exception with error. -
getPromocodeInfo ($code)
Returns an object with detailed information about promotion by promotion code. Returns null if no promotions with
specified code were not found. -
getPromotionRewardInfo ($commonPromotionId, $clientId, $hash)
Returns promotion reward by common promotion id, client id and hash.
getUserLicenseText ()
Returns user license text if user license plugin is turned on,
otherwise throws exception -
getPrivacyPolicyText ()
Returns user privacy policy text if user license plugin is turned on and privacy policy is enabled,
otherwise throws exception -
getClientInfo ($clientId, $sign)
Returns client info by client id
getClientInfoByLoginPassword ($login, $password)
Returns client information by clients login (email)/password
remindClientPassword ($email)
Sends remind email for client
getClientByLoginHash ($hash)
Get client information by client login hash
modifyClientInfo ($clientId, $data, $sign)
Edit client information data
getMembershipList ()
Returns list of available memberships
getClientMembershipList ($filter, $clientId, $sign)
Returns purchased membership list
getClientBookings ($clientId, $sign, $filter)
Returns client bookings, accepts $filter ($filter {upcoming_only: true/false, confirmed_only: true/false})
getProductList ($filter)
Returns product list with filter.
At this time filter can accept only service_id parameter -
getClassesList ($filter)
Returns company's classes list. Ordered by position
rescheduleBook ($shedulerId, $sign, $startDate, $startTime, $endDate, $endTime, $additional, $clientTimeOffset, $clientTimezone)
Edit existing booking record. See [[#book|book]] API method description for more details about date/time parameters,
time zone handling and additional fields. Returns null if parameters not valid. -
getCompanyParam ($key)
Returns company config value for key. A different set of keys available for public API and for company
administration API. Method return 'invalid params' error (code -32602) in case if access to specified key notallowed. See [[#Company_params|list of available keys]].
getCompanyParams ($keys)
Returns company's config values for specified keys as key-value map. For non-existent and not-allowed param keys
it will return '''false''' as result. A different set of keys available for public API and for companyadministration API. See [[#Company_params|list of available keys]].
getCancellationPolicy ()
Returns cancellation policy rules.
If cancellation policy custom feature is not activated, method returns null. -
getTimelineType ()
Returns company timeline type
calculateEndTime ($startDateTime, $eventId, $unitId, $productIds)
Returns end datetime if booking is available, else return false
getWorkCalendar ($year, $month, $data)
Returns company work schedule as array
Eg.:{'2014-05-01': {'from': '09:00:00', 'to': '21:00:00', 'is_day_off': '0'}, '2014-05-02': ...}
getReservedTime ($from, $to, $eventId, $unitId, $count)
Returns map of objects for each day in specified date range. The key of the result mps is a date string. The value
is an array of two objects. Both objects contains list of time slots for typereserved_time
and typenot_worked_time
type represents time slots working time but already booked
by clients. Nobody knows what kind of data represented bynot_worked_time
type. Please don't use it.
If [[Plugins#Google calendar sync plugin|Google calendar sync plugin]] enabled then object with
type will contain not empty list of time slots marked as busy in Google calendar. Call
API method to check if Google
calendar sync plugin activated.
"2016-02-05": [
"dd": [], // time slots from Google calendar
"events": [ // reserved time slots
{ "from": "16:00", "to": "16:30" },
{ "from": "16:30", "to": "17:00" },
... ],
"type": "reserved_time",
"events": [
{ "from": "09:00", "to": "09:30" },
{ "from": "09:30", "to": "10:00" },
... ],
"type": "not_worked_time"
getWorkDaysInfo ($from, $to, $unitId, $eventId, $count, $productIds)
Returns an information about working hours and break times for specified service and performer for a period
between two dates. If only service specified then information about performer (or performers) will be taken fromservice configuration. Method returns a list of objects for each date in specified period. Count of objects in
list depends on break times. For example if performer works from 9:00 till 19:00 with one hour break at 13:00 method
{'2014-05-14' : [
{'from': '09:00:00', 'to': '13:00:00'},
{'from': '14:00:00', 'to': '19:00:00'}
] }
Warning! Method can return a time string '24:00:00' as right edge of time range. This happens in case if time
range finishes on midnight. -
getFirstWorkingDay ($data)
Returns first working date for unit
getStartTimeMatrix ($from, $to, $eventId, $unitId, $count, $bookingId, $productIds)
Returns available start time, taking into account breaktimes, start and end working time
Eg.:{'2014-05-14': ['09:00:00', ...], ...}
If locations plugin activated for company you should pass a list as $unitID parameter for filter results with
units available only for selected location. See [[Plugins#Unit_location|Unit location]] plugin description for
more details. -
getCartesianStartTimeMatrix ($from, $to, $eventId, $unitId, $count, $bookingId, $productIds)
Returns available start time, taking into account breaktimes, start and end working time.
The difference between getStartTimeMatrix and getCartesianStartTimeMatrix is that getCartesianStartTimeMatrixprovides time slots for each individual provider.
Eg.:{"provider_id": 1, "service_id": 1, "timeslots": {"2014-05-14": ['09:00:00', ...], ...}, ...}
If locations plugin activated for company you should pass a list as $unitID parameter for filter results with
units available only for selected location. See [[Plugins#Unit_location|Unit location]] plugin description for
more details. -
getAvailableTimeIntervals ($dateFrom, $dateTo, $eventId, $unitId, $count)
Returns available time intervals for all service providers for given period, taking into account breaktimes, start and end working time
Eg.:{['2016-03-04': ['1': [['09:00:00','09:30:00'], ['11:15:00','14:45:00']] , ...], ...]}
getServiceAvailableTimeIntervals ($dateFrom, $dateTo, $eventId, $unitId, $count)
Returns available time intervals for all servics for given period, taking into account breaktimes, start and end working time
Eg.:{['2016-03-04': ['1': [['09:00:00','09:30:00'], ['11:15:00','14:45:00']] , ...], ...]}
getReservedTimeIntervals ($dateFrom, $dateTo, $eventId, $unitId, $count, $bookingId)
Returns not available time
Eg.:{'2014-05-14': [{'reserved_time': [{'from': '14:00', 'to': '16:30'}], 'type': "reserved_time"}, ...], ...}
getAvailableUnits ($eventId, $dateTime, $count, $unitId, $productIds)
Returns list of available unit ids for specified date and service or empty array if all units are not allowed.
Eg.:[1, 2, 3]
getAnyUnitData ()
Returns information about [[Plugins#Any_Employee_selector|Any Employee selector plugin]] configuration. Returns
null if plugin not enabled.
"description" : "Select this option, if you want to find an available time with any of the employees",
"hide_other_units" : 1, // 1 or 0
"image" : null,
"name" : "Any employee",
"picture_path" : null,
"random_selection" : 0 // 1 or 0
} -
getAdditionalFields ($eventId)
Return additional fields for certain event if [[Plugins#Additional_fields|Additional fields plugin]] is
activated. Returns empty array otherwise. Call[[#isPluginActivated|isPluginActivated('event_field')]]
API method to check if 'event_field' plugin activated.
getTimeframe ()
Returns company's timeframe configuration (in minutes). Timeframe can be either 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 or 60 minutes.
You can find more details about timeframe [[Settings#Timeframe|here]]. -
isPluginActivated ($pluginName)
Return plugin status true if status active, else false. $pluginName parameter is a plugin identifier.
See [[Plugins|plugins]] page for full plugins description. See [[#Plugin's identifiers|list of available plugin's names]]. -
getPluginStatuses ($pluginNames)
Return plugin status true if status active, else false. See [[#Plugin's identifiers|list of available plugin's names]].
getCompanyInfo ()
Returns an object with detailed information about company. See [[#getCompanyInfo response|example of response]].
createBatch ()
Creates new booking batch record. Returns newly created batch id. You can use this id in
API method. -
getCountryPhoneCodes ()
Returns country phone code list
getPluginPromoInfoByCode ()
Returns an object with detailed information about promotion by promotion code. You can get promotion code
API method. If promotion record with specifiedcode not found then method returns an empty array (an empty object). If [[Plugins#Simply Smart Promotions|Simply Smart Promotions plugin]]
not enabled then method returns an error with code -32001 (Plugin is not activated). Use
API method call to check if plugin enabled.
See [[#getPromotionList response|example]] ofgetPromotionList
API method response. Please note that
response contains a list of services for wich promotion discount can be applied (service_ids
key). -
getCompanyTimezoneOffset ()
Returns company timezone offset and company timezone
Dienst-URL https://user-api.simplybook.me/admin
getUserPhoneValidationInfo ($userId, $number)
Get user db data (id, phone, is_validated)
saveConfigKeys ($data, $module, $plugin)
Save configuration keys
getNotificationConfigStructure ($plugin)
Get structure of SMS and Email notification config params
getBookings ()
Returns list of bookings filtered by given params. Filter params represented as object with following fields:
* '''date_from''' a date of booking in string format 'Y-m-d'
* '''time_from''' a time string in format 'H:i:s'
* '''date_to''' a date string in format 'Y-m-d'
* '''time_to''' a time string in format 'H:i:s'
* '''created_date_from''' a date string in format 'Y-m-d'
* '''created_date_to''' a date string in format 'Y-m-d'
* '''edited_date_from''' a date string in format 'Y-m-d'
* '''edited_date_to''' a date string in format 'Y-m-d'
* '''unit_group_id''' an integer. Use it to get bookings assigned for certain service provider.
* '''event_id''' an integer. Use it to get bookings only for certain service.
* '''is_confirmed''' 1 or 0. If [[Plugins#Approve booking|Approve booking]] plugin enabled then method will return confirmed bookings with approve status 'new'.
* '''client_id''' an integer. Use it to get bookings only for certain client.
* '''order''' string either 'record_date', 'date_start' or 'date_start_asc'. By default used 'date_start' value.
* '''booking_type''' a string. Value of this field depends on Approve booking plugin status.
* '''code''' booking code
*: If plugin not active:
** '''all''' for all bookings (default value)
** '''cancelled''' alias to 'is_confirmed' equal to 0
** '''non_cancelled''' alias to 'is_confirmed' equal to 1
*: If plugin active:
** '''all''' for all bookings (default value)
** '''cancelled''' returns bookings with 'is_confirmed' field equals to 0 and approve booking status equals to 'cancelled' (or booking does not have any approve status)
** '''non_cancelled''' returns bookings with either 'is_confirmed' field equals to 1 or approve booking status equals to 'new'
** '''cancelled_by_client''' returns bookings approved by admin but cancelled by client
** '''cancelled_by_admin''' returns bookings cancelled by admin
** '''non_approved_yet''' returns bookings with approve status 'new'
** '''approved''' returns bookings with either 'is_confirmed' field equals to 1 and approve booking status equals to 'approved' (or booking does not have any approve status)
} -
pluginZapierSubscribe ($url, $notificationType)
'create', 'cancel', 'new_client', 'change', 'create_invoice'
getBookingDetailsZapierMock ()
getClientInfo ($clientId)
Returns client data
getClientInfoZapier ($clientId)
Returns client data
getClientInfoZapierMock ()
Returns client data
getBookingsZapier ()
Returns list of bookings filtered by given params
getInvoiceDetailsMock ()
getBookingDetails ($id)
Returns detailed bookings object by booking id. See [[#getBookingDetails_response|response example]].
getWorkDaysTimes ($startDateTime, $endDateTime, $type)
Return busy time by unit id by GoogleCalendar plugin if enabled.
Please note that this method may return not actual data because data synchronization between server andGoogle Calendar may take some time and synchronized data are cached for 15 minutes.
getGoogleCalendarBusyTime ($startDateTime, $endDateTime, $unitId)
Returns a list of objects represented a time intervals marked as busy in Google Calendar. Each object of result
properties with datetime string as value. This method only actual if[Plugins#Google calendar sync plugin|Google calendar sync plugin] enabled. If plugin not enabled an empty list will
be returned. You should call[[#isPluginActivated|isPluginActivated('google_calendar_export')]]
check status of the plugin. Each object of result containsfrom
properties with
datetime string as value. Please note that this method may return not actual data because data synchronization
between server and Google Calendar may take some time and synchronized data are cached for 15 minutes.
{"from" : "2016-02-16 13:30:00",
"to" : "2016-02-16 16:00:00"},
getGoogleCalendarBusyTimeAvailableUnits ()
Returns configured unit ids, allowed to sync busy time
getBookingLimitUnavailableTimeInterval ($startDateTime, $endDateTime, $eventId)
Returns time intervals not available for bookings because of configuration of [[Plugins#Limit bookings|Limit bookings]]
plugin for period of time. Returns empty array if plugin not available. -
getUnitWorkingDurations ($dateStart, $dateEnd, $unitGroupId)
Return working durations
getWorkload ($dateStart, $dateEnd, $unitGroupId)
Return workload data for units in period of time. Workload for each unit represented as array with work hours
at index 0, confirmed booking hours as load at index 1 and cancelled bookings hours at index 2.
['2015-10-21' : {
5 : [
10, // working hours
10, // load hours (confirmed bookings hours)
0 // cancelled bookings hours
] }] -
getBookingRevenue ($dateStart, $dateEnd, $unitGroupId, $serviceId)
Return bookings count and revenue value for each date in specified period. Data grouped by unit id and
represented as array with bookings count at index 0 and revenue amount at index 1. You can filter data eitherby unit or by service. Set
to null to get data for current week.
['2015-11-12' : {
3 : [
11, // bookings count
128.53 // revenue
]} -
getUnitWorkdayInfo ($dateStart, $dateEnd, $unitGroupId)
Return workday info (date_start and date_end)
cancelBooking ($id)
Cancels booking. Returns true on success. Returns an error with code -32080 (Appointment couldn't be found) if
no booking with specified id were found. -
cancelBatch ($id, $bookingIds)
Cancel batch of bookings. Returns true on success. Returns an error with code -32080 (Appointment couldn't be found)
if no booking with specified id were found. A booking with first id in$bookingIds
list is used forinformation in notifications.
book ($eventId, $unitId, $clientId, $startDate, $startTime, $endDate, $endTime, $clientTimeOffset, $additional, $count, $batchId, $recurringData)
Creates new booking record. Returns an object with appointment information or throw exception if booking time not
available or any of required parameters missed. If appointment requires confirmation, in result object will berequire_confirm = true
specifies a date of
booking and time slot. Time value should be multiple to 'timeframe' configuration of company (see
API method).$endDate
should be calculated according to service duration. However you can specify different values to make appointment
longer or shorter then service configuration. Note that$endDate
should be
later in time than$startDate
. If your clients located in different time
zone you should specify'client_time_offset'
value in$clientData
object as difference
between client's time zone and company's time zone in minutes. For example if company located in city with time
zone GMT+2 and customer located in city with GMT+3 then$clientTimeOffset
will be 60 minutes.
You can get information about company's
time zone using[[#getCompanyInfo|getCompanyInfo]]
API method. To create batch booking you can
specify eithercount
more then 1 or validbatchId
(only one parameter can be
specified). You should specify an$additionalFields
parameter if service requires some additional
fields (see [[Plugins#Additional fields|Additional fields plugin]]).
To create a booking with promo code you should pass it as additional field. For example:{"promocode": "some code"}
If [[Plugins#Unit location|Unit location]] enabled you need to pass locations ID parameter as additional field
. For example:{"location_id": "1"}
. Use[[#isPluginActivated|isPluginActivated('location')]]
to check if plugin active and[[#getLocationsList|getLocationsList()]]
method to get list of
available locations.
See [[#book response|example]] ofbook
API method response. -
editBook ($shedulerId, $eventId, $unitId, $clientId, $startDate, $startTime, $endDate, $endTime, $clientTimeOffset, $additional)
Edit existing booking record. See [[#book|book]] API method description for more details about date/time parameters,
time zone handling and additional fields. Returns null if parameters not valid. -
addClient ($clientData, $sendEmail)
Adds new client with specified data. You can specify name, email, phone, address1, address2, city, zip,
country_id.email, phone number or both of them can be mandatory fields. You should call
method to check which fields are required.
Method returns an error:
* -32061 Client name value is wrong
* -32062 Client email value is wrong
* -32063 Client phone value is wrong
name: "Frances T. Perez",
phone: "+1502-810-4521",
email: "FrancesTPerez@teleworm.us",
address1: "3872 Earnhardt Drive",
address2: "Louisville, KY 40219",
city: Louisville,
zip: 3872
} -
editClient ($clientId, $clientData)
Edits client's record. See
method description for list of available fields.
Method returns an id of client's record. -
changeClientPassword ($clientId, $password, $sendEmail)
Change client password and send password email changing
resetClientsPassword ($clientIds)
Resets client password and send them emails
remindClientsPassword ($email)
Sends remind email for client
getClientList ($searchString, $limit)
Returns list of clients associated with company. You can use either phone number, email address or name as value
. Pass an empty string for$searchString
and null for$limit
parameters to get all records. See
API method for list of available fields
of client data object. -
getStatuses ()
Returns list of available statuses or an empty list if [[Plugins#Status|Status plugin]] not enabled.
getBookingStatus ($bookingId)
Returns status of given booking (if status plugin is enabled)
default status will be returned if bookingId does not exists -
setStatus ($bookingId, $statusId)
Sets specified status for booking. Returns an error with code -32020 if logged in user don't have access to edit
bookings. This method does nothing if [[Plugins#Status|Status plugin]] not enabled. -
getRecurringSettings ($eventId)
Returns an object with recurring settings for an event. Returns false if specified event does not configured as
recurring. -
getTopServices ($dateStart, $dateEnd)
Returns a list with statistics for services for a period of time. This data contains number of bookings and
revenues value for each service. -
getTopPerformers ()
Returns a list with statistics for performers. This data contains number of bookings and revenues value for each performer.
getRecurringDatetimes ($eventId, $unitId, $date, $time, $recurringData, $endDateTime, $productIds)
Get list of dates for recurring booking
getCountryList ()
Get list of all countries
getStates ()
Get list of all country states
getFeedbacks ($approvedOnly, $reviewsOnly, $lastOnly, $limit)
Get list of feedbacks
getRecentActions ($lastOnly, $limit)
Returns latest actions
getWarnings ($lastObly)
Returns a list of objects represented system warnings. Each warning contains
property contains localized message.warning_type
can be one of the values:
* '''sms_limit''' – warning indicates low amount of SMS credits
* '''sheduler_limit''' – warning indicates low amount of available bookings -
updateNotification ($type)
Mark notifications as readed
getLastNotificationUpdate ($type)
Returns last update datetime
getBookingCancellationsInfo ($dateStart, $dateEnd)
Returns statistics about created bookings and cancellations for a time period. Data presented as array of hashes for
each type of operation (created or cancelled booking) groped by clients."type"
field can be either"create", "cancel" or "nopayment_cancel". If
not specified then bookings where created or
cancelled by admin or employee. Data with type"nopayment_cancel"
represents bookings cancelled
automatically by system.
3 bookings where created by admin or employee and 2 bookings where automatically cancelled by system.
"cnt" : 3,
"firstname" : null,
"lastname" : null,
"login" : null,
"type" : "create",
"user_id"" : null
}, {
"cnt" : 2,
"firstname" : null,
"lastname" : null,
"login" : null,
"type" : "nopayment_cancel",
"user_id"" : null
}] -
pluginApproveBookingApprove ($id)
Sets approve booking status to 'approved' if [[Plugins#Approve booking|Approve booking]] plugin enabled and returns
list of approved booking IDs. Returns false if plugin not enabled. Use[[#isPluginActivated|isPluginActivated('approve_booking')]]
API method call to check if plugin enabled.
pluginApproveBookingCancel ($id)
Sets approve booking status to 'canceled' if [[Plugins#Approve booking|Approve booking]] plugin enabled and returns
true. Returns false if plugin not enabled. Use[[#isPluginActivated|isPluginActivated('approve_booking')]]
API method call to check if plugin enabled.
pluginApproveGetPendingBookingsCount ()
Returns count of bookings pending approval if [[Plugins#Approve booking|Approve booking]] plugin enabled. Returns
0 if plugin not enabled. Use[[#isPluginActivated|isPluginActivated('approve_booking')]]
API methodcall to check if plugin enabled.
pluginApproveGetPendingBookings ()
Returns list of objects with information about bookings pending approval if [[Plugins#Approve booking|Approve booking]]
plugin enabled. Returns empty list if plugin not enabled. Use[[#isPluginActivated|isPluginActivated('approve_booking')]]
API method call to check if plugin enabled.
getPluginList ()
Returns a list of all plugins associated with company with status.
getBookingComment ($id)
Returns booking comment
setBookingComment ($id, $comment)
Set booking comment
getCurrentTariffInfo ()
Returns all information about current tariff (subscription). For example:
"name" : "gold",
"expire_date" : "2016-02-11 12:32:00",
"rest" : 41, // number of days until subscription expiration
"color" : "#fcb322"
} -
getRegistrations ($groupBy)
Returns number of clients registrations by 'day', 'week' or 'month'. A time period depends on selected
grouping parameter:
* for 'day' methods returns statistics for last 31 days
* for 'week' methods returns data last 10 weeks period
* for 'month' time period is last 12 months -
getBookingStats ($groupBy)
Returns statistic about bookings count grouped by 'day', 'week' or 'month'. A time period depends on selected
grouping parameter:
* for 'day' methods returns statistics for last 31 days
* for 'week' methods returns data last 10 weeks period
* for 'month' time period is last 12 months -
getVisitorStats ($groupBy)
Returns statistics about page visits if plugin [[Plugins#Visitor Counter|Visitor Counter plugin]] enabled. Returns
an empty list if plugin not enabled. Use[[#isPluginActivated|isPluginActivated('counter')]]
API methodcall to check if plugin enabled. Results can be grouped by 'day', 'week' or 'month'. A time period depends on
selected grouping parameter:
* for 'day' methods returns statistics for last 31 days
* for 'week' methods returns data last 10 weeks period
* for 'month' time period is last 12 months -
getSocialCounterStats ($provider)
Returns social counters value for your domain
getCompanyCurrency ()
Returns company's currency as three chars code (ISO 4217).
getClientComments ($clientId, $shedulerId)
Returns list of all comments for given client
getClientSoapData ($clientId)
Returns current SOAP information by client id
getClientSoapHistory ($clientId)
Returns SOAP history by client id
getClientSoapCryptData ($clientId)
Returns current SOAP (crypt) information by client id
getClientSoapCryptHistory ($clientId)
Returns SOAP (crypt) history by client id
getCurrentUserDetails ()
Returns an object with information about logged in user. Note: you are responsible for implementation of some
access rights based ongroup
property value. Most of API methods returns an error if user has low accessrights but not all. There are 4 roles:
* '''Administrator''' - have full access to the system
* '''Senior Employee''' - have access to calendar, services and providers, and can modify bookings related with user
* '''Junior Employee''' - can access caledar (but only to own bookings), services associated with user
* '''Viewer''' - have only access to calendar and services in read only mode
property can be one of the values:
- "Senior Employee" access role
- "Junior Employee" access role
- "Administrator" access role
- "Viewer" access role
- reserved
"id": 1,
"login": admin,
"email": "admin@mycoolcompany.com";
"firstname": "Michail",
"lastname": " ",
"phone": "",
"group": "admin",
"is_blocked": 0,
"last_access_time": "2016-06-06 17:55:51",
"unit_group_id": null
getCategoriesList ($isPublic)
Returns company categories list if [[Plugins#Service categories|Service categories plugin]] is activated. Returns
an error with code -32001 if plugin is not activated. Use[[#isPluginActivated|isPluginActivated('event_category')]]
API method to check if plugin activated.
getLocationsList ($isPublic, $asArray)
Returns available locations for company if plugin [[Plugins#Unit location|Unit location plugin]] is activated. Return
an error with code -32001 if plugin is not activated. Use[[#isPluginActivated|isPluginActivated('location')]]
API method to check if plugin activated.
This method accepts two boolean flags as parameters. If '''isPublic''' flag is '''true''' then method returns only
public locations. If '''asArray''' flag is '''true''' method returns list of objects. Otherwise method returns
map of objects with object id as key. You can omit both parameters. -
getMembership ($membershipId)
Returns membership's data object.
getClientMembershipList ($clientId)
Returns purchased membership list
setWorkDayInfo ($info)
Set work day schedule for company|service|provider for week_day|date
index is 1-7 for Monday - Sunday (used for weekly settings)
date is used to set worktime for special date
unit_group_id is provider id
event_id is service id
if unit_group_id and event_id not passed then it set data for company -
deleteSpecialDay ($date, $params)
Delete special date if set
} -
getCompanyWorkCalendarForYear ($year)
Returns company special days and vacations
getServiceWorkCalendarForYear ($year, $eventId)
Returns special days and vacations, defined for given service (event)
getCompanyVacations ()
Get list of company vacations in format array(vacation_id => array())
getServiceVacations ($serviceId)
Get list of service vacations
getPerformerVacations ($performerId)
Get list of performer vacations
getCompanyVacation ($vacationId)
Get company vacation by id
getServiceVacation ($vacationId, $serviceId)
Get service vacation by id
getPerformerVacation ($vacationId, $performerId)
Get service vacation by id
saveCompanyVacation ($data)
Save company vacation data
(create or update table depending on 'id' param existing in $data) -
saveServiceVacation ($data, $serviceId)
Save company vacation data
(create or update table depending on 'id' param existing in $data) -
savePerformerVacation ($data, $performerId)
Save company vacation data
(create or update table depending on 'id' param existing in $data) -
deleteCompanyVacation ($vacationId)
Delete company vacation with all it's bindings
(including created special days in work_day_special table) -
deleteServiceVacation ($vacationId, $serviceId)
Delete service vacation with all it's bindings
(including created special days in work_day_special table) -
deletePerformerVacation ($vacationId, $unigGroupId)
Delete performer vacation with all it's bindings
(including created special days in work_day_special table) -
getClassesList ($isVisibleOnly, $asArray)
Returns company's classes list. If
is false then method returns a map with event id as key
and details object as value. If parameter set to true then method returns a list sorted by 'position' property ofclass's details object.
getProductList ($filter)
Returns product list with filter.
At this time filter can accept only service_id parameter -
getBookingReport ()
Get paginated data for Booking report
The following filters can be provided in request param:
Date date_from, date_to, created_date_from, created_date_to
Integer unit_group_id, client_id
String code, promo_code
String booking_type = 'approved' | 'not_approved_yet' | 'cancelled_by_admin' | 'cancelled_by_client' | 'non_cancelled' | 'cancelled' | 'all'
Order can be one of the following values: record_date, date_start, date_start_asc
Return data in the following format:
'data' => $data,
'metadata' => array(
or Api_Service_Exception in error case -
getClientReport ()
Get paginated data for Client report
The following filters can be provided in request param:
Date date_from, date_to
Integer event_id, unit_group_id, client_id
String client_search (search string, can contains client name, address, phone)
String service_using_type = 'used_in_period' | 'not_used_in_period' | 'not_used_in_period_but_used_before'
No custom ordering implemented yet
Group data = 'client' | 'client_email_phone' | 'client_email' | 'client_phone'
Return data in the following format:
'data' => $data,
'metadata' => array(
or Api_Service_Exception in error case -
getSmsReport ()
Get paginated data for SMS report
The following filters can be provided in request param:
Date date_from, date_to
Integer unit_group_id, client_id
String phone, message
No custom ordering implemented yet (always ordered by client name)
Return data in the following format:
'data' => $data,
'metadata' => array(
or Api_Service_Exception in error case -
getSmsGateways ()
gets differend sms providers(transport) used by system
getEmailReport ()
Get paginated data for email report
Return data in the following format:
'data' => $data,
'metadata' => array(
or Api_Service_Exception in error case -
getPosReport ()
Get paginated data for Pos report
Return data in the following format:
'data' => $data,
'metadata' => array(
or Api_Service_Exception in error case -
getFeedbackReport ()
Get paginated data for Feedback report
The following filters can be provided in request param:
Date date_from, date_to
Integer from 1 to 5 rate_from, rate_to
String name, subject, message
Report can be ordered by one of the following fields:
date, rate, name, message, subject, answer
Return data in the following format:
'data' => $data,
'metadata' => array(
or Api_Service_Exception in error case -
getPromotionList ($isVisibleOnly, $asArray, $promotionType)
Get detailed list of promotions (new)
getPromotionInstanceList ($promotionType, $asArray)
Get all list of promotion instances
getPromotionDetails ($id)
Return promotion detailed info
getStaticPageList ()
Get static page list
confirmInvoice ($id, $paymentSystem)
Confirms invoice by id
applyPromoCode ($id, $code)
Applies promo code to order (Coupons & Gift Cards custom feature)
applyTip ($id, $percent, $amount)
Applies tip to order (Tips custom feature)
You can apply tip by percent or by amount -
getCountByShedulerChannels ($startDate, $endDate)
getCompanyParam ($key)
Returns company config value for key. A different set of keys available for public API and for company
administration API. Method return 'invalid params' error (code -32602) in case if access to specified key notallowed. See [[#Company_params|list of available keys]].
getCompanyParams ($keys)
Returns company's config values for specified keys as key-value map. For non-existent and not-allowed param keys
it will return '''false''' as result. A different set of keys available for public API and for companyadministration API. See [[#Company_params|list of available keys]].
getCancellationPolicy ()
Returns cancellation policy rules.
If cancellation policy custom feature is not activated, method returns null. -
getTimelineType ()
Returns company timeline type
getEventList ($isVisibleOnly, $asArray, $handleClasses, $searchString)
Returns company's events list. If
is false then method returns a map with event id as key
and details object as value. If parameter set to true then method returns a list sorted by 'position' property ofevent's details object.
getUnitList ($isVisibleOnly, $asArray, $handleClasses, $searchString)
Returns list of service performers. If
is false then method returns a map with event id as
key and details object as value. If parameter set to true then method returns a list sorted by 'position' propertyof event's details object.
calculateEndTime ($startDateTime, $eventId, $unitId, $productIds)
Returns end datetime if booking is available, else return false
getWorkCalendar ($year, $month, $data)
Returns company work schedule as array
Eg.:{'2014-05-01': {'from': '09:00:00', 'to': '21:00:00', 'is_day_off': '0'}, '2014-05-02': ...}
getReservedTime ($from, $to, $eventId, $unitId, $count)
Returns map of objects for each day in specified date range. The key of the result mps is a date string. The value
is an array of two objects. Both objects contains list of time slots for typereserved_time
and typenot_worked_time
type represents time slots working time but already booked
by clients. Nobody knows what kind of data represented bynot_worked_time
type. Please don't use it.
If [[Plugins#Google calendar sync plugin|Google calendar sync plugin]] enabled then object with
type will contain not empty list of time slots marked as busy in Google calendar. Call
API method to check if Google
calendar sync plugin activated.
"2016-02-05": [
"dd": [], // time slots from Google calendar
"events": [ // reserved time slots
{ "from": "16:00", "to": "16:30" },
{ "from": "16:30", "to": "17:00" },
... ],
"type": "reserved_time",
"events": [
{ "from": "09:00", "to": "09:30" },
{ "from": "09:30", "to": "10:00" },
... ],
"type": "not_worked_time"
getWorkDaysInfo ($from, $to, $unitId, $eventId, $count, $productIds)
Returns an information about working hours and break times for specified service and performer for a period
between two dates. If only service specified then information about performer (or performers) will be taken fromservice configuration. Method returns a list of objects for each date in specified period. Count of objects in
list depends on break times. For example if performer works from 9:00 till 19:00 with one hour break at 13:00 method
{'2014-05-14' : [
{'from': '09:00:00', 'to': '13:00:00'},
{'from': '14:00:00', 'to': '19:00:00'}
] }
Warning! Method can return a time string '24:00:00' as right edge of time range. This happens in case if time
range finishes on midnight. -
getFirstWorkingDay ($data)
Returns first working date for unit
getStartTimeMatrix ($from, $to, $eventId, $unitId, $count, $bookingId, $productIds)
Returns available start time, taking into account breaktimes, start and end working time
Eg.:{'2014-05-14': ['09:00:00', ...], ...}
If locations plugin activated for company you should pass a list as $unitID parameter for filter results with
units available only for selected location. See [[Plugins#Unit_location|Unit location]] plugin description for
more details. -
getCartesianStartTimeMatrix ($from, $to, $eventId, $unitId, $count, $bookingId, $productIds)
Returns available start time, taking into account breaktimes, start and end working time.
The difference between getStartTimeMatrix and getCartesianStartTimeMatrix is that getCartesianStartTimeMatrixprovides time slots for each individual provider.
Eg.:{"provider_id": 1, "service_id": 1, "timeslots": {"2014-05-14": ['09:00:00', ...], ...}, ...}
If locations plugin activated for company you should pass a list as $unitID parameter for filter results with
units available only for selected location. See [[Plugins#Unit_location|Unit location]] plugin description for
more details. -
getAvailableTimeIntervals ($dateFrom, $dateTo, $eventId, $unitId, $count)
Returns available time intervals for all service providers for given period, taking into account breaktimes, start and end working time
Eg.:{['2016-03-04': ['1': [['09:00:00','09:30:00'], ['11:15:00','14:45:00']] , ...], ...]}
getServiceAvailableTimeIntervals ($dateFrom, $dateTo, $eventId, $unitId, $count)
Returns available time intervals for all servics for given period, taking into account breaktimes, start and end working time
Eg.:{['2016-03-04': ['1': [['09:00:00','09:30:00'], ['11:15:00','14:45:00']] , ...], ...]}
getReservedTimeIntervals ($dateFrom, $dateTo, $eventId, $unitId, $count, $bookingId)
Returns not available time
Eg.:{'2014-05-14': [{'reserved_time': [{'from': '14:00', 'to': '16:30'}], 'type': "reserved_time"}, ...], ...}
getAvailableUnits ($eventId, $dateTime, $count, $unitId, $productIds)
Returns list of available unit ids for specified date and service or empty array if all units are not allowed.
Eg.:[1, 2, 3]
getAnyUnitData ()
Returns information about [[Plugins#Any_Employee_selector|Any Employee selector plugin]] configuration. Returns
null if plugin not enabled.
"description" : "Select this option, if you want to find an available time with any of the employees",
"hide_other_units" : 1, // 1 or 0
"image" : null,
"name" : "Any employee",
"picture_path" : null,
"random_selection" : 0 // 1 or 0
} -
getAdditionalFields ($eventId)
Return additional fields for certain event if [[Plugins#Additional_fields|Additional fields plugin]] is
activated. Returns empty array otherwise. Call[[#isPluginActivated|isPluginActivated('event_field')]]
API method to check if 'event_field' plugin activated.
getTimeframe ()
Returns company's timeframe configuration (in minutes). Timeframe can be either 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 or 60 minutes.
You can find more details about timeframe [[Settings#Timeframe|here]]. -
isPluginActivated ($pluginName)
Return plugin status true if status active, else false. $pluginName parameter is a plugin identifier.
See [[Plugins|plugins]] page for full plugins description. See [[#Plugin's identifiers|list of available plugin's names]]. -
getPluginStatuses ($pluginNames)
Return plugin status true if status active, else false. See [[#Plugin's identifiers|list of available plugin's names]].
getCompanyInfo ()
Returns an object with detailed information about company. See [[#getCompanyInfo response|example of response]].
createBatch ()
Creates new booking batch record. Returns newly created batch id. You can use this id in
API method. -
getCountryPhoneCodes ()
Returns country phone code list
getPluginPromoInfoByCode ()
Returns an object with detailed information about promotion by promotion code. You can get promotion code
API method. If promotion record with specifiedcode not found then method returns an empty array (an empty object). If [[Plugins#Simply Smart Promotions|Simply Smart Promotions plugin]]
not enabled then method returns an error with code -32001 (Plugin is not activated). Use
API method call to check if plugin enabled.
See [[#getPromotionList response|example]] ofgetPromotionList
API method response. Please note that
response contains a list of services for wich promotion discount can be applied (service_ids
key). -
getCompanyTimezoneOffset ()
Returns company timezone offset and company timezone
Dienst-URL https://user-api.simplybook.me/catalog
getCompanyList ($filter, $from, $limit)
Returns companies list
$filter filter params. Object that contains following params
'search_string': String,
'service_name': String,
'company_name': String,
'company_address': String,
'category_id': Integer,
'tag_ids': [Integer, Integer, ...],
'tags': String,
'country_id': String,
'city_id': String,
'nearby': {
'radius': Integer,
'center': {
'lat': Number,
'lng': NUmber
Use tag_ids OR tags -
getPromotionList ($filter, $from, $limit)
Returns active promotion list
$filter filter params. Object that contains following params
'search_string': String,
'service_name': String,
'company_name': String,
'company_address': String,
'tag_ids': [Integer, Integer, ...],
'tags': String,
'country_id': String,
'city_id': String,
'nearby': {
'radius': Integer,
'center': {
'lat': Number,
'lng': NUmber
Use tag_ids OR tags -
getPromotionListByIds ()
Returns active promotion list
getCompanyCount ($filter)
Returns total companies count with specified filter
$filter filter params. Object that contains following params
'search_string': String,
'service_name': String,
'company_name': String,
'company_address': String,
'tag_ids': [Integer, Integer, ...],
'tags': String,
'country_id': String,
'city_id': String,
'nearby': {
'radius': Integer,
'center': {
'lat': Number,
'lng': NUmber
Use tag_ids OR tags -
getPromotionCount ($filter)
Returns total active promotions count with specified filter
$filter filter params. Object that contains following params
'search_string': String,
'service_name': String,
'company_name': String,
'company_address': String,
'tag_ids': [Integer, Integer, ...],
'tags': String,
'country_id': String,
'city_id': String,
'nearby': {
'radius': Integer,
'center': {
'lat': Number,
'lng': NUmber
Use tag_ids OR tags -
getTopCountries ()
Returns country list as Array order by company count in country
getTopCities ()
Returns city list as Array order by company count in city
getCountries ()
Returns a list of objects with just two properties each:
and country. Anid
is a two character string with ISO 3166-1 country code. -
getCities ($country, $withActiveCompany)
Returns a list of objects. If
parametr specified then method returns only cities of this
country. Each object in list has 4 properties:
- number. A unique identificator of city. You should use it as filter options in methodsgetCompanyList
- string. A city name.
- string. Two chars ISO 3166-1 country code.
- number.
"cnt" : 7,
"country_id"" : "GB",
"id" : 4607,
"name" : "Uxbridge"
getTags ($filter)
Returns tags list
$filter filter params. Object that contains following params
'tag_ids': [Integer, Integer, ...],
'tags': String,
'country_id': String,
'city_id': String
Use tag_ids OR tags -
getCompanyInfo ($login)
Returns company information by company login
getPromotionInfo ($id, $feedbackFrom, $feedbackCount)
Returns promotion information by id
getRelatedPromotions ($id, $count)
Returns related promotions by given promotion id
getCompanyReviews ($login, $count, $offset)
Returns a list of company's review objects.
"company_id" : 86409,
"domain" : "simplybook.me",
"feedback_datetime" : "2015-10-27 13:06:57",
"feedback_id" : 4623,
"feedback_link" : "",
"id" : 17384,
"image" : "http://graph.facebook.com/1020443689023222/picture",
"link" : "https://www.facebook.com/app_scoped_user_id/1020443689023222/",
"message" : "Brilliant!",
"name" : "Simply Booker",
"provider" : "",
"provider_data" : "...", // String. An object encoded with PHP's serialize method.
"rate" : 5, // 0 to 5 rate
"status" : "approved", // 'new' or 'approved'
"subject" : "Good",
"with_comment" : 1
getCompanyReviewsCount ($login)
Returns company's reviews count
getCompanyReview ($login, $reviewId)
Returns a company's review objects.
getClientReviewsLikes ($clientId, $clientProvider)
Returns a list of company's review likes.
addCompanyReview ($login, $subject, $message, $rate, $provider, $accessToken)
Adds company review
addPromotionReview ($promotionId, $subject, $message, $rate, $provider, $accessToken)
Add promotion review
getPromotionReviews ($promotionId)
Returns promotion reviews list
getRecentPromotions ($count)
Returns list of promotions ordered by date DESC
getRecentFeedbacks ($count)
Returns list of feedbacs ordered by date DESC
getRecentCompanies ($count)
Returns list of companies ordered by date DESC
getCategories ()
Returns all categories as list of objects. Each category can have a subcategories. Each subcategory contains parent
category id incompany_category_id
field. For top level categories this field isnull
field istrue
"company_category_id": null,
"id": "1",
"image": "/common/images/category_icons/car.png",
"is_active": "1",
"is_header": "1",
"name": "Cars",
"company_category_id": "1",
"id" = 11;
"image": null,
"is_active": "1",
"is_header": "0",
"name": "Car wash",
getFeedbackList ()
Get list of ALL simplybook feedbacks
getCompanyPromotionList ($promotionCompanyLogin, $count)
Returns a list of promotions objects associated with specified company. If company doesn't have any promotions or
[[Plugins#Simply_Smart_Promotions|Simply Smart Promotions plugin]] not active for this company method returns anempty list.
getUserLocation ($ip)
Returns user location info
getAutocompleete ($filter, )
Returns suggestions for autocompeter
$filter filter params. Object that contains following params
'search_string': String,
'service_name': String,
'company_name': String,
'company_address': String,
'category_id': Integer,
'tag_ids': [Integer, Integer, ...],
'tags': String,
'country_id': String,
'city_id': String,
'nearby': {
'radius': Integer,
'center': {
'lat': Number,
'lng': NUmber
Use tag_ids OR tags -
deleteClientFeedbacks ($gdprDataSerialized)
Anonymize client feedbacks and feedback likes
according to GDPR client's right to be forgotten -
deleteClientPromotionFeedbacks ($gdprDataSerialized)
Delete promotion_feedbak and promotion_feedback_response data
according to GDPR client's right to be forgotten
Get additional fields list
Return intake forms fields. (intake forms custom feature)
Please note that result is wrapped into paginated result.
In GET parameters you can pass filter (see http example) with following parameters:
service_id - return fields for this serviceEindpunt:
GETVerzoek parameters:
object filter - filter objectTerugzending:
array|AdditionalFieldEntity[]Voorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/additional-fields?filter[service_id]=1 Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Second factory authentication
Second factory authentication process. Return auth token info (TokenEntity). Required in case 2FA authentication is enabled.
Pass session from authentication step. In case you use SMS as 2fa provider you need to call /admin/auth/sms to receive SMS with code.
Accepts AdminLogin2FAEntity data as body of request.
Throws BadRequest error in case invalid data was provided with detailed errors per field.
Throws AccessDenied error in case user does not have access to perform this action.Eindpunt:
POSTVerzoek parameters:
AdminLogin2FAEntity body - second factory authentication dataTerugzending:
AccessDeniedBadRequestVoorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
POST https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/auth/2fa Content-Type: application/json { "company": "<insert your company login>", "session_id": "<insert session_id value from auth request>", "code": "<insert 2FA code>", "type": "<insert 2FA type (ga/sms)>" }
Authentication process. Return auth token info (TokenEntity)
Accepts AdminLoginEntity data as body of request.
Throws BadRequest error in case invalid data was provided with detailed errors per field.Terugzending:
AccessDeniedBadRequestVoorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
POST https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/auth Content-Type: application/json { "company": "<insert your company login>", "login": "<insert your user login>", "password": "<insert your user password>" }
Renew token with refresh token
Renew token with refresh token with refresh token, that was received on authentication step. Return TokenEntity.
Accepts RefreshTokenEntity data as body of request.
Throws BadRequest error in case invalid data was provided.
Throws AccessDenied error in case user does not have access to perform this action.Eindpunt:
POSTVerzoek parameters:
RefreshTokenEntity body - refresh token dataThrows:
AccessDeniedBadRequestVoorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
POST https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/auth/refresh-token Content-Type: application/json { "company": "<insert your company login>", "refresh_token": "<insert refresh_token from auth step>" }
Get SMS code
Send SMS to user phone number. Returns empty response.
Throws BadRequest error in case invalid data was provided.
Throws AccessDenied error in case user does not have access to perform this action.Eindpunt:
GETVerzoek parameters:
string company - company loginstring session_id - company loginThrows:
AccessDeniedBadRequestVoorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/auth/sms?company=<insert your company login>&session_id=<insert session_id value from auth request> Content-Type: application/json
Logout and revoke token
Revoke token that was received on authentication.
Accepts AdminLogoutEntity data as body of request.
Throws BadRequest error in case invalid data was provided.
Throws AccessDenied error in case user does not have access to perform this action.Throws:
AccessDeniedBadRequestVoorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
POST https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/auth/logout Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step> { "auth_token": "<insert your token from auth step>" }
Cancel booking
Cancel booking by booking id and return booking that was canceled (AdminBookingDetailsEntity).
Throws AccessDenied error in case user does not have access to booking.
Throws NotFound error in case booking is not found.Eindpunt:
DELETEVerzoek parameters:
int id - booking idTerugzending:
AccessDeniedBadRequestVoorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
DELETE https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/bookings/1 Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Set comment for booking
Set booking comment by booking id and return booking details (AdminBookingDetailsEntity).
Throws AccessDenied error in case user does not have access to booking.
Throws NotFound error in case booking is not found.Eindpunt:
PUTVerzoek parameters:
int id - booking idTerugzending:
AccessDeniedNotFoundVoorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
PUT https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/bookings/1/comment Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step> { "comment": "This is booking comment." }
Get booking links
Return booking links entity by booking id. (AdminBookingLinksEntity)
Throws AccessDenied error in case user does not have access to booking.
Throws NotFound error in case booking is not found.Eindpunt:
GETVerzoek parameters:
int id - booking idTerugzending:
AccessDeniedNotFoundVoorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/bookings/1/links Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Apply status with status custom feature
Apply booking status booking by booking id and return booking details (AdminBookingDetailsEntity).
Throws AccessDenied error in case user does not have access to booking.
Throws NotFound error in case booking is not found.Eindpunt:
PUTVerzoek parameters:
int id - booking idTerugzending:
AccessDeniedNotFoundVoorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
PUT https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/bookings/1/status Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step> { "status_id": 1 }
Approve booking with approve booking custom feature
Approve booking by booking id and return booking details (AdminBookingDetailsEntity).
Throws AccessDenied error in case user does not have access to booking.
Throws BadRequest error in case booking can not be approved.
Throws NotFound error in case booking is not found.Eindpunt:
PUTVerzoek parameters:
int id - booking idTerugzending:
AccessDeniedBadRequestVoorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
PUT https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/bookings/1/approve Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Get booking details
Return booking item entity by booking id. (AdminBookingDetailsEntity)
Throws AccessDenied error in case user does not have access to booking.
Throws NotFound error in case booking is not found.Eindpunt:
GETVerzoek parameters:
int id - booking idTerugzending:
AccessDeniedNotFoundVoorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/bookings/1 Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Edit booking
Modify booking and return booking result (BookingResultEntity).
Accepts AdminBookingBuildEntity data as body of request.
Throws AccessDenied error in case user does not have access to booking.
Throws BadRequest error in case invalid data was provided with detailed errors per field.
Throws NotFound error in case booking is not found.Eindpunt:
PUTVerzoek parameters:
int id - booking idAdminBookingBuildEntity body - booking dataTerugzending:
AccessDeniedBadRequestNotFoundVoorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
PUT https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/bookings/1 Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step> { "count": 1, "start_datetime": "2020-12-02 09:30:00", "location_id": 2, "category_id": 2, "provider_id": 4, "service_id": 3, "client_id": 10, "additional_fields": [ { "field": "e5a1d0e5312b9515874406a89c986765", "value": "test" }, { "field": "3adae019f9183fcfb7b02fcef54b094d", "value": "Option 1" }, { "field": "9c3ce1fc22bd50cbb21bdfcfd2f850bf", "value": "988" }, { "field": "1a2e4bdc78b9fd4593d8924b25f38244", "value": "Select 2" }, { "field": "b90b2d238ffc2a7a782c6a81a8e60bb1", "value": "test" } ] }
Get schedule
Return array of day schedule info objects for selected service, provider and datesEindpunt:
GETVerzoek parameters:
int service_id - selected service idint provider_id - selected provider idstring date_from - date fromstring date_to - date toTerugzending:
Voorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/schedule?date_from=2020-08-25&date_to=2020-08-27&provider_id=2&service_id=1 Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Get slots timeline
Return data for slots timeline per date.Eindpunt:
GETVerzoek parameters:
int service_id - selected service idint provider_id - selected provider idstring date_from - date fromint count - bookings countbool with_available_slots - to calculate available slots count (Display Remaining Spaces custom feature required)int booking_id - timeline for edit bookingint[]|array product_ids - array of selected service addons idsbool skip_min_max_restriction - to skip min and max restrictionTerugzending:
Voorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/timeline/slots?date_from=2020-09-25&date_to=2020-09-25&provider_id=1&service_id=1&with_available_slots=1 Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Get slots
Return array of available slots to book as admin.
It just returns schedule of day divided by slots.Eindpunt:
GETVerzoek parameters:
int service_id - selected service idint provider_id - selected provider idstring date - selected dateTerugzending:
Voorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/schedule/slots?date=2020-08-28&provider_id=1&service_id=5 Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Get first available slot
Return first available slot for selected service/provider/date
It can return slot for different date in case all slots are busy for selected date.Eindpunt:
GETVerzoek parameters:
int service_id - selected service idint provider_id - selected provider idstring date - selected dateint count - group booking countTerugzending:
Voorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/schedule/first-available-slot?date=2020-08-30&provider_id=1&service_id=5 Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Get bookings list
Return bookings list.
Please note that result is wrapped into paginated result.
Throws AccessDenied error in case user does not have access to bookings report.
In GET parameters you can pass page, on_page and filter with following parameters:
upcoming_only - return upcomming bookings only
status - booking status (can be confirmed/confirmed_pending/pending/canceled)
services - array of service ids to filter by services
providers - array of provider ids to filter by providers
client_id - client id. to filter by client id
date - filter by date
search - search string (by code, client data)
additional_fields - search by additional fields (&filter[additional_fields][field] = value)Eindpunt:
GETVerzoek parameters:
int page - page in listint on_page - items per pageobject filter - filter objectTerugzending:
array|AdminReportBookingEntity[]Voorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/bookings?filter[upcoming_only]=1 Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Get available slots
Return array of available slots to book.Eindpunt:
GETVerzoek parameters:
int service_id - selected service idint provider_id - selected provider idstring date - selected dateint count - group booking countarray|int[] products - array of selected addonsTerugzending:
Voorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/schedule/available-slots?date=2020-08-27&provider_id=1&service_id=5 Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Make new booking
Make new booking and return booking result (BookingResultEntity).
Accepts AdminBookingBuildEntity data as body of request.
Throws AccessDenied error in case user does not have access to booking.
Throws BadRequest error in case invalid data was provided with detailed errors per field.Eindpunt:
POSTVerzoek parameters:
AdminBookingBuildEntity body - booking dataTerugzending:
AccessDeniedBadRequestVoorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
POST https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/bookings Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step> { "count": 1, "start_datetime": "2020-12-02 09:30:00", "location_id": 2, "category_id": 2, "provider_id": 4, "service_id": 3, "client_id": 10, "additional_fields": [ { "field": "e5a1d0e5312b9515874406a89c986765", "value": "test" }, { "field": "3adae019f9183fcfb7b02fcef54b094d", "value": "Option 1" }, { "field": "9c3ce1fc22bd50cbb21bdfcfd2f850bf", "value": "988" }, { "field": "1a2e4bdc78b9fd4593d8924b25f38244", "value": "Select 2" } ] }
Generate new detailed report task
In POST parameters you can pass filter (see http example) with following parameters:
code Booking code
created_date_from Created date to
created_date_to Created date from
date_from Date to
date_to Date from
event_id Service
unit_group_id Service provider
client_id Client
booking_type cancelled or non_cancelledEindpunt:
POSTVerzoek parameters:
object filter - filter objectobject export_columns - export_columns objectstring order_directionstring order_fieldTerugzending:
AccessDeniedBadRequestVoorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
POST https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/detailed-report Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step> { "filter": { "created_date_from": "2021-01-01", "created_date_to": "2021-03-31", "date_from": "2021-01-02", "date_to": "2021-03-29", "event_id": "2", "unit_group_id": "7", "client_id": "12", "booking_type": "non_cancelled" }, "export_columns": [ ], "order_direction": "asc", "order_field": "record_date" }
Get report by id
Return report info by id.
Throws AccessDenied error in case user does not have access to report.
Throws NotFound error in case report is not found.Eindpunt:
GETVerzoek parameters:
string id - report idTerugzending:
AccessDeniedNotFoundVoorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/detailed-report/193 Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Set medical test status for booking
PUTVerzoek parameters:
int id - booking idstring status - statusThrows:
AccessDeniedNotFoundBadRequestVoorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
PUT https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/medical-test/status/1 Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step> { "status": "negative" }
Get calendar data
Return calendar data with bookings, notes and break times.
Throws AccessDenied error in case user does not have access to bookings report.
In GET parameters you can pass mode (day, week, provider or service) and filter with following parameters:
upcoming_only - return upcomming bookings only
status - booking status (can be confirmed/confirmed_pending/pending/canceled)
services - array of service ids to filter by services
providers - array of provider ids to filter by providers
client_id - client id. to filter by client id
date_from - filter by date from
date_to - filter by date to
search - search string (by code, client data)
additional_fields - search by additional fields (&filter[additional_fields][field] = value)Eindpunt:
GETVerzoek parameters:
int page - page in listint on_page - items per pageobject filter - filter objectTerugzending:
Voorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/calendar?mode=provider&filter[status]=confirmed_pending&filter[date_from]=2020-08-26&filter[date_to]=2020-08-26 Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Get client fields values
Returns client fields values list, including name, email, phone and address fields.
Throws AccessDenied error in case user does not have access to perform this action.
Throws NotFound error in case client is not found.Eindpunt:
GETVerzoek parameters:
int id - client idTerugzending:
AccessDeniedNotFoundVoorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/clients/field-values/2 Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Get client
Return client item item by id.
Throws AccessDenied error in case user does not have access to perform this action.
Throws NotFound error in case client is not found.Eindpunt:
GETVerzoek parameters:
int id - client idTerugzending:
AccessDeniedNotFoundVoorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/clients/1 Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Make client with fields
Makes new client from fields list.
Returns client fields list, including name, email and phone field.
Throws AccessDenied error in case user does not have access to perform this action.
Throws BadRequest error in case invalid data was provided with detailed errors per field.Eindpunt:
POSTVerzoek parameters:
Client_DetailsEntity body - client dataTerugzending:
BadRequestAccessDeniedVoorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
POST https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/clients/field-values Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step> { "id": null, "fields": [ { "id": "name", "value": "test" }, { "id": "email", "value": "test@gmail.com" }, { "id": "phone", "value": "38099999999999" }, { "id": "de3b235b9e42131c9a86b5449acca9dd", "value": 12 } ] }
Edit client with fields
Modify client data from fields list.
Returns client fields list, including name, email and phone field.
Throws AccessDenied error in case user does not have access to perform this action.
Throws NotFound error in case client is not found.
Throws BadRequest error in case invalid data was provided with detailed errors per field.Eindpunt:
PUTVerzoek parameters:
int id - client idClient_DetailsEntity body - client dataTerugzending:
AccessDeniedBadRequestNotFoundVoorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
PUT https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/clients/field-values/7 Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step> { "id": 7, "fields": [ { "id": "name", "value": "test" }, { "id": "email", "value": "test@gmail.com" }, { "id": "phone", "value": "38099999999999" }, { "id": "de3b235b9e42131c9a86b5449acca9dd", "value": 12 } ] }
Delete client
Delete client by id. Return empty response
Throws AccessDenied error in case user does not have access to perform this action.
Throws NotFound error in case booking is not found.Eindpunt:
DELETEVerzoek parameters:
int id - client idThrows:
AccessDeniedNotFoundVoorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
DELETE https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/clients/1000 Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Get client fields list
Returns client fields list, including name, email, phone and address fields.Eindpunt:
array|Client_FieldDetailsEntity[]Voorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/clients/fields Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Get client memberships list
Return client membership list.
Please note that result is wrapped into paginated result.
In GET parameters you can pass page, on_page and filter with following parameters:
client_id - client id
service_id - service id
service_start_date - booking start date (to filter actual memberships only)
count - group bookings count
active_only - active memberships only
search - search stringEindpunt:
GETVerzoek parameters:
int page - page in listint on_page - items per pageobject filter - filter objectTerugzending:
array|AdminClientMembershipPaymentEntity[]Voorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/clients/memberships?page=1&on_page=10&filter[client_id]=78&filter[service_id]=8&filter[service_start_date]=2020-08-20 Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Edit client
Modify client by id and return it.
Throws AccessDenied error in case user does not have access to perform this action.
Throws BadRequest error in case invalid data was provided with detailed errors per field.
Throws NotFound error in case client is not found.Eindpunt:
PUTVerzoek parameters:
ClientEntity body - client dataint id - client idTerugzending:
AccessDeniedBadRequestNotFoundVoorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
PUT https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/clients/1 Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step> { "name": "Mike", "email": "mikeemail@gmail.com", "phone": "+123456789987" }
Create client
Create new client and return it.
Throws AccessDenied error in case user does not have access to perform this action.
Throws BadRequest error in case invalid data was provided with detailed errors per field.
Throws NotFound error in case client is not found.Terugzending:
AccessDeniedBadRequestNotFoundVoorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
POST https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/clients Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step> { "name": "Mike", "email": "mikeemail@gmail.com", "phone": "+123456789987" }
Get clients list
Return clients list.
Please note that result is wrapped into paginated result.
In GET parameters you can pass page, on_page and filter with following parameters:
search - search stringEindpunt:
GETVerzoek parameters:
int page - page in listint on_page - items per pageobject filter - filter objectTerugzending:
array|ClientEntity[]Voorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/clients?page=1&on_page=10&filter[search]=al Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Make membership instance
POSTVerzoek parameters:
MakeMembershipInstanceRequestEntity membership - instance dataThrows:
AccessDeniedNotFoundVoorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
POST https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/memberships/make-membership-instance Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step> { "membership_id": "1", "period_start": "2021-08-26", "is_invoice_needed": 1, "payment_processor": "cash", "auto_confirm_prolonging": 1, "repeat_count": 5, "clients": [ "42" ] }
Cancel membership
DELETEVerzoek parameters:
int id - client membership idThrows:
AccessDeniedNotFound -
Get notes list
Return notes list.
Please note that result is wrapped into paginated result.
In GET parameters you can pass page, on_page and filter with following parameters:
providers - filter by providers. array of providers ids
services - filter by services. array of services ids
types - filter by note types. array of types ids
search - search string
date_from - date from
date_to - date toEindpunt:
GETVerzoek parameters:
int page - page in listint on_page - items per pageobject filter - filter objectTerugzending:
array|CalendarNoteEntity[]Voorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/calendar-notes?page=1&filter[services][]=1&filter[services][]=2&filter[date_from]=2020-08-01&filter[date_to]=2020-08-10 Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Modify note
Edit note and return it.
Throws AccessDenied error in case user does not have access to the calendar note.
Throws NotFound error in case the calendar note is not found.
Throws BadRequest error in case invalid data was provided with detailed errors per field.Eindpunt:
POSTVerzoek parameters:
int id - calendar note idCalendarNoteEntity body - calendar noteTerugzending:
AccessDeniedNotFoundBadRequestVoorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
PUT https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/calendar-notes/1 Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step> { "provider_id": 2, "service_id": null, "start_date_time": "2020-09-06 15:00:00", "end_date_time": "2020-09-06 15:30:00", "note_type_id": "1", "note": "note body", "mode": "provider", "time_blocked": true }
Create new note
Create new note and return it.
Throws AccessDenied error in case user does not have access to the calendar note.
Throws NotFound error in case the calendar note is not found.
Throws BadRequest error in case invalid data was provided with detailed errors per field.Eindpunt:
POSTVerzoek parameters:
CalendarNoteEntity body - calendar noteTerugzending:
AccessDeniedNotFoundBadRequestVoorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
POST https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/calendar-notes Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step> { "provider_id": 1, "service_id": null, "start_date_time": "2020-09-06 15:00:00", "end_date_time": "2020-09-06 15:30:00", "note_type_id": "1", "note": "note body", "mode": "provider", "time_blocked": true }
Get note details
Return note details by id
Throws AccessDenied error in case user does not have access to the calendar note.
Throws NotFound error in case the calendar note is not found.Eindpunt:
GETVerzoek parameters:
int id - calendar note idTerugzending:
AccessDeniedNotFoundVoorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/calendar-notes/1 Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Delete calendar note
Delete calendar note by id. Return empty response
Throws AccessDenied error in case user does not have access to booking.
Throws NotFound error in case booking is not found.Eindpunt:
DELETEVerzoek parameters:
int id - calendar note idThrows:
AccessDeniedNotFoundVoorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
DELETE https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/calendar-notes/1 Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Get default note type
Return default note type objectEindpunt:
Voorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/calendar-notes/types/default Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Get note types list
Return array of not typesEindpunt:
array|CalendarNoteTypeEntity[]Voorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/calendar-notes/types Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Get payment link
Generates payment link for order/invoice.
Throws AccessDenied error in case user does not have access to order.
Throws BadRequest error in case invalid data was provided with detailed errors.
Throws NotFound error in case order/invoice is not found.Eindpunt:
GETVerzoek parameters:
int id - order idThrows:
AccessDeniedBadRequestNotFoundVoorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/invoices/2/payment-link Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Create stripe connection token
POSTVoorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
POST https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/invoices/571/make-terminal-payment Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step> { "paymentSystem": "stripe" } ### GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/invoices/terminal/reader/list Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step> ### POST https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/invoices/terminal/stripe-connection-token Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step> ### GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/invoices/terminal/stripe-config-location Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Get orders/invoices list
Return orders and invoices list.
Note that not all data can be presented in list result. To get full info you need to get separate item.
Please note that result is wrapped into paginated result.
In GET parameters you can pass page, on_page and filter with following parameters:
client_id - client id
datetime_from - order/invoice date and time from
datetime_to - order/invoice date and time to
status - order/invoice status
booking_code - filter by booking codeEindpunt:
GETVerzoek parameters:
int page - page in listint on_page - items per pageobject filter - filter objectTerugzending:
array|AdminInvoiceEntity[]Voorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/invoices?filter[booking_code]=0z2ohjmy Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Get order/invoice item
Return order/invoice item by idEindpunt:
GETVerzoek parameters:
int id - invoice/order idTerugzending:
AccessDeniedNotFoundVoorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/invoices/1 Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Get order/invoice page url
Return order/invoice page urlEindpunt:
GETVerzoek parameters:
int id - invoice/order idTerugzending:
AccessDeniedNotFoundVoorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/invoices/2/link Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Accept payment with saved payment method
Accept payment with client saved payment method.
The order will be marked as payed only after confirmation from payment system.
You have to pass payment_method_id as GET parameter and in body of request.
Throws AccessDenied error in case user does not have access to order.
Throws BadRequest error in case invalid data was provided with detailed errors.
Throws NotFound error in case order/invoice is not found.Eindpunt:
PUTVerzoek parameters:
int id - order idint payment_method_id - payment method idTerugzending:
AccessDeniedBadRequestNotFoundVoorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
PUT https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/invoices/1/rebill Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step> { "payment_method_id": 1 }
Get client saved payment methods list
Returns array of client saved payment methods
The id is client id and it is required.Eindpunt:
GETVerzoek parameters:
int id - client idTerugzending:
array|PaymentMethodEntity[]Voorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/payment-methods/1 Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Get stripe terminal location from config
GETVoorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
POST https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/invoices/571/make-terminal-payment Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step> { "paymentSystem": "stripe" } ### GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/invoices/terminal/reader/list Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step> ### POST https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/invoices/terminal/stripe-connection-token Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step> ### GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/invoices/terminal/stripe-config-location Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Send payment link
Generates payment link and send to customer.
You have to pass type as GET parameter and in body of request.
Throws AccessDenied error in case user does not have access to order.
Throws BadRequest error in case invalid data was provided with detailed errors.
Throws NotFound error in case order/invoice is not found.Eindpunt:
PUTVerzoek parameters:
int id - order idstring type - message type (email/sms)Throws:
AccessDeniedBadRequestNotFoundVoorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
PUT https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/invoices/2/send-payment-link Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step> { "type": "email" }
Get terminal readers cross payment systems
GETVoorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
POST https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/invoices/571/make-terminal-payment Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step> { "paymentSystem": "stripe" } ### GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/invoices/terminal/reader/list Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step> ### POST https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/invoices/terminal/stripe-connection-token Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step> ### GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/invoices/terminal/stripe-config-location Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Make payment with terminal
POSTVerzoek parameters:
int id - order idstring paymentSystem - payment systemstring|null readerId - reader idVoorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
POST https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/invoices/571/make-terminal-payment Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step> { "paymentSystem": "stripe" } ### GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/invoices/terminal/reader/list Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step> ### POST https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/invoices/terminal/stripe-connection-token Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step> ### GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/invoices/terminal/stripe-config-location Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Remove applied tip
Remove applied tip. Tips custom feature.
You can remove tip only from pending and new orders.
Throws AccessDenied error in case user does not have access to order.
Throws BadRequest error in case invalid data was provided with detailed errors.
Throws NotFound error in case order/invoice is not found.Eindpunt:
AccessDeniedBadRequestNotFound -
Apply tip
Apply tip. Tips custom feature.
You can apply tip only to pending and new orders.
You can pass percent or amount as GET parameter and in body of request.
Throws AccessDenied error in case user does not have access to order.
Throws BadRequest error in case invalid data was provided with detailed errors.
Throws NotFound error in case order/invoice is not found.Eindpunt:
PUTVerzoek parameters:
int id - order idint percent - tip percentfloat amount - tip amountTerugzending:
AccessDeniedBadRequestNotFound -
Remove applied promo code
Remove applied promo code. Coupons & Gift Cards custom feature.
You can remove promo code only from pending and new orders.
You can pass code as GET parameter and in body of request.
Throws AccessDenied error in case user does not have access to order.
Throws BadRequest error in case invalid data was provided with detailed errors.
Throws NotFound error in case order/invoice is not found.Eindpunt:
PUTVerzoek parameters:
int id - order idint instanceId - promo code instance idTerugzending:
AccessDeniedBadRequestNotFoundVoorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
DELETE https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/invoices/1/promo-code/3 Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Accept payment
Manual accept payment. The order will be marked as payed with provided payment processor.
You can pass payment_processor as GET parameter and in body of request.
Throws AccessDenied error in case user does not have access to order.
Throws BadRequest error in case invalid data was provided with detailed errors.
Throws NotFound error in case order/invoice is not found.Eindpunt:
PUTVerzoek parameters:
int id - order idstring payment_processor - payment processorTerugzending:
AccessDeniedBadRequestNotFoundVoorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
PUT https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/invoices/1/accept-payment Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step> { "payment_processor": "manual" }
Apply promo code
Apply promo code. Coupons & Gift Cards custom feature.
You can apply promo code only to pending and new orders.
You can pass code as GET parameter and in body of request.
Throws AccessDenied error in case user does not have access to order.
Throws BadRequest error in case invalid data was provided with detailed errors.
Throws NotFound error in case order/invoice is not found.Eindpunt:
PUTVerzoek parameters:
int id - order idstring code - promo codeTerugzending:
AccessDeniedBadRequestNotFoundVoorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
PUT https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/invoices/1/apply-promo-code Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step> { "code": "tapyjuju" }
Get product/attribute item
Return product/attribute item by id.Eindpunt:
AccessDeniedNotFoundVoorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/products/1 Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Get products/attributes list
Return products/attributes list. (products/service addons custom features)
Please note that result is wrapped into paginated result.
In GET parameters you can pass filter (see http example) with following parameters:
service_id - return products/attributes for selected service
search - search string
type - product type. can be 'product' or 'attribute'
visible_only - visible products onlyEindpunt:
GETVerzoek parameters:
object filter - filter objectTerugzending:
array|ProductEntity[]Voorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/products?filter[search]=cofee&filter[service_id]=1 Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Issue gift card
POSTVerzoek parameters:
AdminPromotionIssueGiftCardEntity body - issue gift card requestTerugzending:
array|PromotionInstanceEntity[]Voorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
### issue non-personalized gift cards POST https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/promotions/issue-gift-card Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step> { "promotion_id": 1, "start_date": "2021-08-30", "personalized": false, "count": 10 } ### issue personalized gift cards POST https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/promotions/issue-gift-card Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step> { "promotion_id": 1, "start_date": "2021-08-30", "personalized": true, "clients": [1], "send_email": true, "email_body": "Your gift card code: [code]", "email_subject": "Your gift card!" }
Get coupons list
Return promotion instances list. (Coupons & Gift cards custom feature)
Please note that result is wrapped into paginated result.
In GET parameters you can pass filter (see http example) with following parameters:
used_by_client_id - filter by client who used coupon
service_id - filter by service
user_id - user, who issued coupon
duration - duration
duration_type - duration type
status - filter by status (outdated, used, disabled, valid)
expired_date_from - expired date from
expired_date_to - expired date to
start_date_from - start date from
start_date_to - start date to
discount_from - discount from
discount_to - discount to
code - filter by codeEindpunt:
GETVerzoek parameters:
object filter - filter objectTerugzending:
array|PromotionInstanceEntity[]Voorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/promotions/coupons?filter[start_date_from]=2021-08-30&filter[status]=active Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Get gift cards list
Return promotion instances list. (Coupons & Gift cards custom feature)
Please note that result is wrapped into paginated result.
In GET parameters you can pass filter (see http example) with following parameters:
purchased_by_client_id - filter by client who purchased gift card
used_by_client_id - filter by client who used gift card
service_id - filter by service
user_id - user, who issued gift card
duration - duration
duration_type - duration type
price_from - gift card price from
price_to - gift card price to
status - filter by status (outdated, used, disabled, valid)
expired_date_from - expired date from
expired_date_to - expired date to
start_date_from - start date from
start_date_to - start date to
discount_from - discount from
discount_to - discount to
used_amount_from - used amount from
used_amount_to - used amount to
code - filter by codeEindpunt:
GETVerzoek parameters:
object filter - filter objectTerugzending:
array|PromotionInstanceEntity[]Voorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/promotions/gift-cards?filter[start_date_from]=2021-08-30&filter[status]=active&filter[service_id]=1 Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Get promotions list
Return promotions list. (Coupons & Gift cards custom feature)
Please note that result is wrapped into paginated result.
In GET parameters you can pass filter (see http example) with following parameters:
service_id - filter by service
visible_only - visible only promotions
promotion_type - gift_card/discountEindpunt:
GETVerzoek parameters:
object filter - filter objectTerugzending:
array|PromotionEntity[]Voorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/promotions?filter[service_id]=1&filter[promotion_type]=gift_card Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Get providers list
Return providers list.
Please note that result is wrapped into paginated result.
In GET parameters you can pass filter (see http example) with following parameters:
search - search string
service_id - filter providers by service (only providers that can provide this service)Eindpunt:
GETVerzoek parameters:
object filter - filter objectTerugzending:
array|ProviderEntity[]Voorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/providers?filter[search]=mike&filter[service_id]=1 Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Get provider
Return provider item by id.
Throws AccessDenied error in case user does not have access to provider.
Throws NotFound error in case provider is not found.Eindpunt:
GETVerzoek parameters:
int id - provider idTerugzending:
AccessDeniedNotFoundVoorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/providers/1 Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Get provider locations list
Return list of locations. (locations custom feature)
Please note that result is wrapped into paginated result.Eindpunt:
array|LocationEntity[]Voorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/locations Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Get products for service
Return list of products with default qty for selected service
In GET parameters you can pass filter (see http example) with following parameters:
service_id - service id
type - type. can be 'product'/'attribute'Eindpunt:
ProductEntity">Service_ProductEntityVoorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/services/products?filter[service_id]=1 Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Get service
Return service item by id.
Throws AccessDenied error in case user does not have access to service.
Throws NotFound error in case service is not found.Eindpunt:
GETVerzoek parameters:
int id - service idTerugzending:
AccessDeniedNotFoundVoorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/services/1 Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Get services list
Return services list.
Please note that result is wrapped into paginated result.
In GET parameters you can pass filter (see http example) with following parameters:
search - search stringEindpunt:
GETVerzoek parameters:
object filter - filter objectTerugzending:
array|ServiceEntity[]Voorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/services?filter[search]=massage Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Get service categories list
Return list of categories. (categories custom feature)
Please note that result is wrapped into paginated result.Eindpunt:
array|CategoryEntity[]Voorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/categories Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Get statuses list
Return user statuses list (status custom feature)Eindpunt:
array|StatusEntity[]Voorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/statuses Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Get ticket info by code
Return ticket info by code.
Throws AccessDenied error in case user does not have access to ticket.
Throws NotFound error in case ticket is not found.Eindpunt:
GETVerzoek parameters:
string code - ticket codeTerugzending:
AccessDeniedNotFoundVoorbeeld HTTP-verzoek:
GET https://user-api-v2.simplybook.me/admin/tickets/0z2ph7e716b88 Content-Type: application/json X-Company-Login: <insert your company login> X-Token: <insert your token from auth step>
Check in ticket
Check in ticket by code and return the ticket info.
Please note that the reason of unavailable check in will be in ticket object.
Throws AccessDenied error in case user does not have access to ticket.
Throws NotFound error in case ticket is not found.Eindpunt:
PUTVerzoek parameters:
string code - ticket codeTerugzending:
Intake forms
Notes and block time
Products/Service addons
Coupons & Gift Cards
Entity that contains admin login information (input only)Naam Type Beschrijving company string Company name login string User login password string User password -
Entity that contains admin login information for 2 FA (input only)Naam Type Beschrijving company string Company name -
Entity that contains logout infoNaam Type Beschrijving auth_token string Auth token -
Entity that contains token informationNaam Type Beschrijving token string Auth token company string Company login login string User login refresh_token string|null Refresh token (use it to get new access token when old expired) domain string|null Company domain require2fa bool Required two factor authorisation (token and refresh will be empty) allowed2fa_providers array|string[] Allowed providers (sms/ga) auth_session_id string Authentication session id (pass it with 2FA request) -
Entity that contains refresh token informationNaam Type Beschrijving company string Company login refresh_token string Refresh token device_token string|null Device token -
Entity that contains information to make booking from admin sideNaam Type Beschrijving start_datetime string Booking start datetime end_datetime string Booking end datetime location_id int Location id category_id int Category id service_id int Service id provider_id int Provider id client_id int Client id count int Group booking count. You can use either count or recurringSettings recurring_settings Booking_RecurringSettingsEntity Recurring settings. You can use either count or recurringSettings additional_fields array|Booking_AdditionalFieldValueEntity[] Array of additional fields values. Booking_AdditionalFieldValueEntity[] products array|ProductQtyEntity[] Array of products (addons). ProductQtyEntity[] client_membership_id int Client membership instance id. skip_membership bool Do not use membership for this booking user_status_id int Users status id accept_payment bool Set true to make payment order for booking payment_processor string|null Payment accepted by payment processor -
Entity that contains booking result information.
Readonly entityNaam Type Beschrijving bookings array|BookingEntity[] Array of bookings, that were booked. batch BookingBatchEntity|null Booking batch -
Entity that contains booking informationNaam Type Beschrijving id int Booking id. Auto-generated value. code string Booking code. Auto-generated value. is_confirmed bool Booking is confirmed start_datetime string Booking start datetime end_datetime string Booking end datetime location_id int Location id category_id int Category id service_id int Service id provider_id int Provider id client_id int Client id duration int Duration in minutes -
Entity that contains booking batch informationNaam Type Beschrijving id int Batch id. Auto-generated value. type string Batch type. Can be 'recurring', 'multiple', 'group'. is_closed bool Flag that indicates that user has finished booking. -
Entity that contains booking recurring information.Naam Type Beschrijving days int Repeat days. Use each $days day for 'fixed' type and mask of week days for 'weekly' type. repeat_count int Repeat count type string Type of repeat. Can be 'fixed', 'weekly'
'weekly' means repeat every week day, that set in $days mask.
'fixed' means repeat every $days day.mode string Mode when it is impossible to book appointment on some date. Can be: 'skip', 'book_available', 'book_and_move'.
'skip' - Skip all bookings
'book_available' - book only on available dates
'book_and_move' - move to next date in case some date is not available -
Entity that contains additional field valueNaam Type Beschrijving id int Additional field id field string Additional field name. value mixed Additional field value file_hash string Cloud field file hash -
Entity that contains product qty informationNaam Type Beschrijving product_id int Product id qty int Product qty -
Detailed booking info. allowed only for admin API.Naam Type Beschrijving id int Booking id. Auto-generated value. code string Booking code. Auto-generated value. is_confirmed bool Booking is confirmed start_datetime string Booking start datetime end_datetime string Booking end datetime location_id int|null Provider location id category_id int|null Service category id service_id int Service id provider_id int Provider id client_id int Client id duration int Duration in minutes provider ProviderEntity Booking provider details entity service ServiceEntity Booking service details entity client ClientEntity Client details entity status string Booking status - confirmed/pending/canceled (depending on approve booking status and accept payment) membership_id int|null Client membership id invoice_id int|null Invoice id invoice_status string|null Booking payment status ('deleted', 'new', 'pending', 'cancelled', 'cancelled_by_timeout', 'error', 'paid') invoice_payment_received bool|null Payment was received invoice_number string|null Invoice number invoice_datetime string|null Invoice datetime invoice_payment_processor string|null Payment processor key ticket_code string|null Booking ticket code ticket_validation_datetime string|null Booking ticket validation date and time ticket_is_used bool|null Ticket was already validated testing_status string|null Medical testing status (positive/negative/inconclusive/pending or null) user_status_id int|null Status custom feature id category CategoryEntity|null Service category entity location LocationEntity|null Provider location entity can_be_edited bool Can this booking be edited by user can_be_canceled bool Can this booking be canceled by user log array|Booking_LogEntity[] Booking edit log additional_fields array|Booking_AdditionalFieldValueEntity[] Booking intake form details products array|Booking_DetailedProductQtyEntity[] Booking detailed products list attributes array|Booking_DetailedProductQtyEntity[] Booking detailed attributes list invoice AdminInvoiceEntity|null Invoice entity membership ClientMembershipPaymentEntity|null Client membership object user_status StatusEntity|null User status entity comment string Booking comment resources array|ResourceEntity[] Booking resources list -
Admin booking list info entity
Class AdminReportBookingEntityNaam Type Beschrijving id int Booking id. Auto-generated value. code string Booking code. Auto-generated value. is_confirmed bool Booking is confirmed start_datetime string Booking start datetime end_datetime string Booking end datetime location_id int|null Provider lo